20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 97)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Intro 0:56 {Self-Loathing vs. Self-Love?} As Christians, how do we deal with self-loathing without indulging in and practicing too much self-love? 26:19 {Evolved from Monkeys?} From a biblical standpoint, is there any reason that Christians believe we evolved from monkeys? I'm confused why some Christians believe that, and I’m curious if it’s purely a worldview standpoint? 37:50 {Who Are God’s Chosen People?} I had a debate with a friend about Israel still being God's chosen people. Doesn't Romans 9:6-8 and Galatians 3:28-29 communicate that God's chosen people are anyone who places their faith in Jesus? 48:20 {Do Animals Sin?} Are animals able to sin? They kill for food and sometimes it appears this may be likened to murder, but what does the Bible say about this? 51:28 {Should our Main Focus be Evangelism?} John Wesley says, “You have one business on this earth: to save souls.” Is Christlikeness or spiritual maturity chiefly a means to an end – of bringing people to Christ (Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Peter 3:18)? 55:00 {Setting Biblical Boundaries as Parents} I had a domestic violence upbringing, and I now have a son of my own. I have fears of family telling me how to parent my son. How do I set healthy biblical boundaries that protect my son and honor Christ? 59:19 {Bored in the OT!} How do I read the Old Testament without getting bored and distracted 2 minutes in? 1:02:13 {How to be a Worthwhile Servant} What makes a servant worthwhile to Christ? It seems like in Matthew 25, the servant was cast into outer darkness because he did not DO enough. 1:09:29 {Understanding a Difficult Passage} I'm struggling to interpret Judges 19:2, 25 on why the concubine suffered abuse. Some have said God was punishing her for adultery. How do I understand this without reading into the text? 1:23:18 {Who Sinned First?} I have been asked, "Was Adam's sin the first sin?" Something along the lines of: “Wasn't Satan the first one that sinned?” Thoughts? 1:25:00 {How to “Work Out Our Salvation…”} What does it mean to "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling"? Is that a literal statement? 1:28:07 {Is Nepotism Sinful?} Is nepotism a sin? My church was founded by my grandpa, my dad is the senior pastor, and my brother is a youth leader. I do believe they legitimately earned these roles, but others at my church don’t. 1:35:16 {Repentance After Death?} Can someone repent after death? Hebrews 9:27 seems to say “no,” BUT Revelation 2:21-27 seems to suggest “yes” for it is the “unwillingness” to repent that condemns. I really hope the latter is true. 1:41:23 {Did Adam Know Right from Wrong?} I was talking to an atheist and they asked, “If Adam had not yet eaten of the tree of knowledge, therefore not knowing disobedience, how can God hold him accountable and judge him for it?” 1:46:09 {The Waters “Above the Expanse”} What do you think the waters “above the expanse” are in Genesis 1:6-8? 1:49:01 {How to Biblically Process Grief} How do we deal with grief in the right & biblical way? I lost my dad months ago by sudden death. I feel worried, I’m angry, and I cry. I’m so tired of the rollercoaster feelings. 1:53:07 {About Foul Language} What makes language foul? Is it the words themselves, or the context? Like if I use a word in a friendly way, is it still considered foul language? 1:57:37 {Can Evolution be Plausible?} Do you think evolution is plausible theologically? I have never heard a good response to how there would have been death before the fall. 2:01:39 {How Could Satan Stand in God’s Presence?} If sin cannot enter God's pres