20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 95)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:23 {Overcoming Covetousness} Why is it so hard to be content? I've been blessed with more than most people, but I'm always wanting MORE. I drain so much money buying more "stuff" and once I see something I like, I'm bummed/stressed until I get to buy it. I don't want to be this way. Please help! 25:10 {Eschatological Timings} What effect does Psalm 110:1 and Luke 20:42-43 have on the timing or placement of the rapture of the Church in reference to the tribulation? 29:59 {How to Pray for Unbelievers} I don’t believe Calvinism is biblical, but I find that my prayers for unbelievers often sound Calvinistic: “Change their hearts, bring them to You,” etc. How should we pray for unbelievers' salvation? 32:10 {Can We Be as Close as the Disciples?} Do you think that we can have as personal and intimate of a relationship with Jesus as His twelve disciples did? I've heard 1 John 1:1-3 used to support this. 36:17 {Did God Direct Moses to Deceive Pharaoh?} Why did God tell Moses to ask Pharaoh to go "three days' journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the Lord our God" (Exodus 3:18) if it wasn't God's intention for them to return to Egypt? 42:58 {Do our Prophecies Create Reality?} Kris Vallotton cites Ezekiel 37:1-6 to claim that our prophecies create reality, rather than just foretelling the future. Is there merit to this? 52:24 {Does Jesus’ Compassion Change?} When Jesus interacts with people, He is often compassionate. However, with the 12, he most often sounds harsh. Does His relationship toward us change once we are “on the team"? 1:00:17 {Moving Forward after Church Hurt} What are your thoughts on how to best get back involved with the Church after you have had past hurts both done to you, and you toward others? Also, should a person go back to the same church, or seek a new one? 1:05:48 {Trinitarian Clarity} How is the Holy Spirit not the Son or Father (Matthew 10:20, Philippians 1:19)? These verses confuse me when I’m trying to answer this question. 1:10:38 {Warnings about False Teachings} Do warnings to Churches and believers in verses such as Jude 1:3-4 or other Epistles regarding false/heretical doctrines apply to Mormons who want a relationship with God/Jesus but are just deceived? 1:15:29 {Knowing When to Yield} My pastor wants me to obey my husband even when it hurts my mental health, triggers my eating disorder, or my sleep disorder. Is he right or wrong? He says I should “Die like Christ.” 1:19:03 {Encouragement Amid Physical Limitations} What counsel would you give a discouraged believer with a debilitating chronic illness who carries a lot of guilt for not being able to serve in the ways they want to be able to? 1:24:10 {Jesus AND the Bible = “The Word”?} What is the distinction that is to be made between Jesus and the Bible, as far as the title "Word of God" goes, which is applied to both of them? 1:28:15 {When Translations Vary} What do we do when we find significant difference between translations (such as 1 John 5:7 in the KJV vs. modern translations)? 1:33:08 {Why Did God Choose the Tribe of Levi?} Do we know why God chose the tribe of Levi to be the priesthood? 1:34:26 {Tips for Preparing Your First Sermon} I give my first sermon this Sunday. Any tips/pointers for those going through seminary/preparing for their first sermon(s)? 1:39:29 {Advice for Raising Kids in the Faith} I want to raise my two kids aged 7 and 9 in the faith. I don’t want to push too hard. Any advice? My ex-wife has left the faith, so I feel like it’s up to me (and God). 1:41:23 {Was Paul Married?} I heard a theory that the Apostle Paul was married and a widower. Do you think that’s relevant, and does it have any biblical standi