20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 91)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 1:01 {Yoga Pants & Ripped Jeans?} Ladies on the worship team sometimes wear yoga pants and ripped jeans. I think that goes against the Romans 14 principle of not causing a brother to stumble. What do you think? 21:29 {Did Jesus’ Atonement Require His Divinity?} Why was it necessary for Jesus to be fully divine in regard to our salvation? Wayne Grudem states, “Only someone who is the infinite God could bear the full penalty for all the sins of all those who would believe in Him…" Do you agree, and are there any other reasons stated in Scripture? 25:54 {Daniel: The Iron & Clay Kingdom} What is your interpretation of the 4th kingdom made of iron & clay in Daniel 2? 30:36 {Did God Need to Create Humans?} It may be a simple question, but why did God create humans? I’d be happy to get your insight. He didn’t need to, or did he? 36:35 {Do Tiny Choices Affect History?} Should Christians ever concern themselves with ideas like the butterfly effect (the idea that tiny choices have big impacts on history)? 38:38 {Ministering to LDS Members} I showed some LDS members your Book of Abraham video, but because they believe they heard from the Holy Spirit, biblical arguments haven’t worked. How can I show that they haven’t heard the Spirit? 45:18 {When Were the Apostles Saved?} When were the Apostles saved? They didn't have the full knowledge of what Jesus was doing until His appearance after His resurrection. Could they be considered "saved" before Pentecost? 47:40 {Will God Reveal when our Thinking is Unbiblical?} Philippians 3:15 says God will reveal when our thinking is opposed to His calling. How, then, do so many dedicated Christians get all the way through life still utterly confused about essential moral issues? 52:02 {How to Tell When Love Has Become Idolatry} Have I made my crush an idol? I’ve found myself crushing on a brother in Christ. I’ve also found that sometimes I prefer thinking about him more than God. I don’t want to do this. Any advice? 56:48 {Are Drugs OK if they’re Grown Naturally?} Is Genesis 1:29 allowing us to smoke weed and to eat magic mushrooms because they’re found naturally? Hasn’t sin surely had a big impact after the fall, on vegetation? 1:00:45 {The Bible on Transgenderism} What is the best biblical case against transgender behavior? 1:04:31 {Did God Die / Is Mary God’s Mother?} Can we say God died since Jesus died? And can we say Mary is the mother of God? 1:08:38 {Can We Add Punctuation to Scripture?} A pastor at a local Bible study wants me to add punctuation to a section of Scripture that is just words to see multiple meanings. I feel uncomfortable with this. What are your thoughts on doing this? 1:10:03 {How to Grow in Self-Control} Because it is a fruit of the Spirit, is self-control a teachable skill like in Titus 2, or a gift of the Spirit? What practical advice do you have to get more emotional and verbal self-control? 1:16:11 {Must our Salvation Produce an Emotional Response?} Most Christians have a moment where they break down and weep as they realize what Jesus did for them on the cross. Is it normal to not have experienced this? I'm grateful, but also weirdly indifferent. 1:18:43 {Is Reading the Bible Better than Listening?} I have difficulty reading the Bible, and I think that listening to the Bible (like an audio Bible) might be helpful, but I feel like I'm missing something by not reading it. Any thoughts? 1:20:50 {Is it OK to Correct our Parents?} Is correcting your parents biblical, and what do you do if they do not respect correction? 1:24:32 {About Love in 1 Cor. 13:7} What does it mean practically that “Love bears all things, believes all thin