20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 83)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

My goal is to help you on the road to thinking biblically about everything. Here’s my video analyzing how Roman Catholic apologists abuse typology to teach Mariology. THIS is the entire “How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament” series. The most personally rewarding and thrilling series I’ve ever done. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:54 {The Purpose of our Lives} As Christians, what is the purpose of our lives? 16:53 {About Kenosis Theology} Is Bethel style Kenosis theology from Philippians 2:5-11 heretical (where Christ is said to have lost His divinity to live instead as a human)? Or is that a secondary issue like sacraments and eschatology? 25:39 {When People Justify Bad Behavior w/Scripture} When strong Christians suddenly start to justify sinful treatment of others (rage, control, insults, blaming) through Scripture twisting, could this be due to a shipwrecked faith or mental illness? 28:09 {Should we Pray in Public Before Meals?} I grew up praying before every meal, even in restaurants. I want to know how often I should do this, since I don’t want to be like the Pharisees praying publicly to be seen by others. 32:45 {Can Satan Heal People?} In view of the magicians in Exodus potentially getting their power from Satan, can Satan and demons heal, and are these potentially healings that don't last? 37:58 {How to Reach Catholic Family Members} I’m a new believer, and my wife is a Catholic. Married 5 years. We have 2 very young baby daughters. How do I win my wife to Christ if she grew up rigidly Catholic? I can't break past her typological beliefs. 43:35 {Empathizing with Victims of Tragic Events} How should I view the pain I feel for victims of the Holocaust, Nanking Massacre, etc. when these groups were mostly un-elect vessels of wrath who will receive no comfort? 49:06 {Is Psychology Satanic?} I’ve heard some people say that psychology belongs to Satan and that Christians should stray from studying it. What is your opinion on that, and is there any biblical basis for avoiding it? 57:58 {How Might Fathers Exasperate their Children?} What does “Fathers, do not exasperate your children” in Colossians 3:21 mean? Is this meant to be a general guidance to raising children, or discipling them? 1:03:06 {How to Distinguish Core Doctrines} How do I know what things are a “salvation issue” that I have to be right about, and what things are more open to interpretation that if I am wrong about my salvation will not be affected? 1:06:27 {Why is the Resurrection so Important?} Why are Jesus' claims and resurrection the one true root of our faith? Asking to help explain it to unbelievers who believe all religions lead to God. 1:11:22 {Must We Look Forward to our Glorified Bodies?} As a disabled person, some claim I’m missing out because I’m not looking forward to a new body. I’m content. Thoughts? 1:13:22 {Why was Tamar a “Disgraced Woman”?} Why was Tamar in 2 Samuel considered “a disgraced woman” after being raped by her half-brother, Amnon? 1:22:04 {Should we Insert Names into Scripture?} A friend likes to substitute names in place of "you" in Scripture. Is that biblical? Romans 15:13 for example. 1:25:15 {Why does Jesus need to Pray in Heaven?} Why does Jesus pray for us in Heaven when He could just directly ask God, since He is seated at the right hand of God? 1:29:50 {How to get Others Excited about Apologetics} What is the best way to get a fellow believer to realize the importance of apologetics? I meet way too many Christians who are just like, "I j