20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 81)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

My goal is to help you on the road to thinking biblically about everything. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Intro 0:13 {Overcoming Negativity & Responding to “Church People” Behaving Badly} How can I overcome bitterness & negativity? I have been disappointed in friends, family, and "church people" a lot and I found out it has a big impact in my life. 15:36 {Could Satan Repent?} Would God forgive Satan if he repented? 19:33 {One Death or Two in Scripture?} How do we reconcile Hebrews 9:27 with there also being a “second death” (as in: Revelation 2:11, Revelation 20:6,14, & Revelation 21:8)? Is there one death or two? 22:56 {Is it Wrong to Honor a DNR?} What do you think about DNR (do not resuscitate) orders? If I can’t perform CPR on a patient when it could save their life because the order forbids it, am I committing murder by honoring it? 27:10 {Does Breath Determine Life?} I've heard people quote Genesis 2:7 (usually from the KJV) to show that a soul can't live or exist without both body and breath. Is this an accurate understanding, and if not, why? 34:27 {Why Did God Call a “Chosen People”?} Why did God decide to have a “chosen people”? Was this due to His will to have a “people” that His Son would come from? 38:09 {Are We All Lying on the Internet?} Is it a sin to tick a box that says "I have read and accepted the terms and conditions…" without having read them first (e.g. when installing software)? Key word being "read.” That would be lying, yes? 41:37 {Are Pictures of God in Movies or School Biblical?} Is Christian entertainment like The Chosen a violation of the 2nd Commandment? Are things like Sunday school lessons hurting our theology by using pictures of things or people? 46:45 {About the Doctrine of Election} How do you interpret 2 Thessalonians 2:13 in light of the debate on the doctrine of election? 49:51 {Is Jesus in Human Form in Heaven?} My question is about the incarnation of Christ. Since He was bodily raised from the dead, does that mean He is still the incarnation in Heaven? 54:17 {Who did God Purchase Us From?} 1Corinthians 6:19 says "You are not your own, you were bought with a price.” Are the buyer and the seller the same person (e.g., Is God buying the people from Himself)? 57:19 {Are Altar Calls Biblical?} Are altar calls biblical? Hard to find much of this in the New Testament. Hard to think this through without preconceived notions. 1:05:01 {Overcoming Nervousness in Evangelism} I’m starting high school soon, and I feel very nervous to share the Gospel in person. Is it wrong for me to just stick to sharing it online where I don’t feel nervous at all? 1:07:07 {Can we Trust Paul’s Writings?} I was wondering how you combat the claims against the Apostle Paul if you have heard of the claims against him, such as preaching a different Gospel than Jesus and the 12. 1:10:24 {About Egypt’s Sacrifices in Isaiah} Isaiah 19:21 speaks of Egypt repenting and offering Jewish sacrifices. How can this be, since we no longer have those sacrifices? 1:12:41 {Solidifying our Identities} How do I know if I am solidified in my own identity? And do you think it is biblically important for people who walk with you in the faith to understand your identity and who you are as a person? 1:16:31 {Should we be Baptized while Having Doubts?} People encourage me to get baptized ASAP (Acts 22:16), but I struggle with serious psychological doubts. Should I disregard my doubts and get baptized? Can I take more time? 1:20:04 {Why did Jesus call the Father His God?} I've been wrestling with this passage for a couple of months, and I haven't found a solid answer yet. It