20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 75)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Today's Time Stamps: 0:14 {Can Christians ever Sue Christians?} Does 1 Corinthians 6 prohibit believers from ever taking other believers to court? Is there ever an appropriate time to take a brother “before unbelievers”? 20:43 {Working for God Without Selfishness} How can I do work for God to receive a reward but not be seeking to put myself first, such as in Luke 22:24-30? 25:50 {Are Secret Churches “Denying God Before Men?”} Do secret churches in countries where Christianity is illegal contradict Matthew 10:32-33? 28:50 {Is Rapture Theology Biblical?} Is it true that rapture theology didn't exist before the 19th century and that it’s a relatively modern interpretation? 33:00 {Anxiety about Hell} I've become anxious about the thought of eternal torment in Hell. If that's the punishment for our sins, wouldn't it have been best for unbelievers never to be born? 39:30 {Understanding Philippians 4} Philippians 4:8 confuses me because so many true things are none of the other things on the list. A lot of truth is just the opposite. I read books about true things that are not the other things. 44:03 {Is Eternal Subordinationism Biblical?} I read recently that the idea that God the Son has been eternally submissive to God the Father is heresy (Arianism). Is that true? Was Jesus only temporarily submissive to God the Father while on Earth? 47:32 {Prayer for a Struggling Marriage} Would you please pray for my wife and I? I know it's a vague request without much detail, but we are struggling in our marriage and prayers are much needed. 48:53 {Balancing Duties as a Young Leader} I am a full time high school/youth pastor whose role involves a lot of leadership and administrative duties. As a young person, I find it challenging and catch myself trying to overcompensate. Advice? 51:28 {Breaking the Sin Cycle of Lust} I’m a 15 year old that has struggled with lust for such a long time, and I honestly don’t know what to do anymore. It feels like I will never get out of this constant sin cycle. Could you please help me? 54:37 {Dealing with Toxic People} What biblical counsel would you give for dealing with toxic people, especially Christian family members you live with, who are oftentimes mentally and emotionally unhealthy to be around? x 58:18 {Why Would God Give us our Heart’s Desires?} Why would God give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4) if the heart is deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9)? 1:04:56 {About OT Sacrifices} In the Old Testament sacrificial system, there seems to be a lot of required sacrifices. How often were those sacrifices required, and who was required to offer them? Was it just the heads of households? 1:07:24 {Volunteering vs. Getting a Paying Job?} I'm 31, living with my unbelieving parents. They're pushing me to get a real job, but I feel I should continue volunteering to keep a Foundation alive that's barely holding on. Any biblical advice? 1:11:05 {About the Joy of the Lord} What is the “joy of the Lord,” and how is it our strength? 1:13:48 {Can we be Refilled with the Spirit?} Is it unbiblical to ask for a "refilling of the Holy Spirit"? Don't we already have Him living inside us? I hear this a lot at my church, and I don't know what to think of it. 1:16:57 {The Descriptions of Jesus in Scripture} After reading Daniel 10 and Revelation 1, I was wondering what the connection is between the descriptions of the visions. The description of Jesus in Revelation is so similar to the description given in Daniel 10. 1:19:13 {When Israel is Mentioned in Scripture} In the Bible, when Israel is mentioned in the context, is it referring more to the people or to the land (country)? (Ex: Romans 11:26) 1:22:43 {When Science Cannot Answ