20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 74)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Intro1. 0:09 {Is it Helpful to Offer “Thoughts & Prayers”?} Following a tragedy, people will often say, “Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who are affected,” which is often followed by angry or mocking non-believer comments such as, “Your prayers clearly aren’t working. Do something that will actually help like changing the laws.” What are some proper, biblical ways to respond to that sort of position?2. 10:02 {How Creative Can Worship Be in Church?} I would like your views on flag waving (as the Lord is my banner), dancing, and body painting as part of “creative worship” in church. When I questioned these things, Zechariah 1: 20-21 was quoted to me. Since creativity is inspired by God, am I being overly cautious and resisting change which is from God?3. 18:02 {Can Legalism be Spiritually Abusive?} Our pastor and denomination as a whole requires that any women serving (even volunteers) must only wear skirts, and that only the KJV is God's Word (every other version is a "perversion") and requires tithing. Are these things spiritual abuse?4. 25:25 {Does Scripture talk about Sex Slaves?} What’s your advice on how to approach numbers 31:15-18 (the passage about sex slaves)?5. 32:58 {Discerning God’s Will and Calling} How do I know if I’m called to preach? My family depends on my income, and I don’t want to unwisely step into anything against God’s will, but I feel I must evangelize much more than I can now.6. 38:15 {Why is Deborah not Mentioned in Hebrews 11?} I’ve appreciated your Women in Ministry series so much. Regarding Deborah, why do you suppose her name is not mentioned with the other 4 Judges in Hebrews 11: 32, but Barak is mentioned?7. 40:25 {How to Biblically Choose Who to Date?} How should mental health issues affect dating for Christians (both one's own issues and a spouse candidate's potential issues)? Overall, what things should be considered when choosing to start dating?8. 43:41 {What are the “Best Spiritual Gifts”?} What do you think Paul is referring to in 1 Corinthians 12: 31 when he says to desire "the best gifts"?9. 48:23 {Are Anti-Abortion Laws Biblical?} Is it biblical to make abortion unavailable to others by law? Or is it better to support organizations like Mom's House who help single moms with having a baby?10. 52:02 {Did Adam & Eve’s Offspring Commit Incest?} Does Genesis lead us to believe that if every person came from Adam, then there was incest between Adam and Eve's offspring to create mankind?11. 56:26 {Can we Only Have Belief through the Spirit?} “Only by the Spirit can one believe” … Can this be considered gaslighting unbelievers and a way of compensating for a lack of enough evidence? Please help my pain, I'm struggling.12. 1:00:58 {Tips for Ministering to Youth at Camp} Youth camp is in two weeks. Suggestions for ministering to teenagers?13. 1:04:01 {Why does Satan Tempt Believers?} Why does the devil bother to tempt people to sin if they are already saved? What's the gain for him?14. 1:05:48 {What do we Make “Our Own” In Phil. 3?} In Philippians 3: 12, what is Paul referring to when he says "...I press on to make it my own"? Make what his own? Help me. I am really confused.15. 1:10:04 {Rapture vs. Second Coming?} Do you think the rapture and the second coming could be different events? I have heard some Christians suggest this, explaining how the rapture will come before the tribulation.16. 1:14:44 {Should We Close Our Eyes & Bow While Praying?} I was wondering, is it biblical to close your eyes and bow your head while you pray, or is that a tradition that has been made up over time?17. 1:18:27 {Does Infant Salvation Conflict w/Original Sin?} How can we believe in the doctr