20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 73)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

0:00 - Intro 0:49 {Conviction vs. Condemnation} Can you help me process the difference between “conviction” and “condemnation”? I know it’s right to feel sorry when I sin, but where’s the fine line between that feeling and allowing my guilt to cripple me and make me feel like a failure who is unclean before God? 14:09 {Thoughts about IVF} What are your thoughts about IVF? I’ve been battling infertility for a few years, but I’m concerned about whether IVF is biblically acceptable, especially about discarding the extra embryos. Is it equal to abortion to discard the embryos even if we can't guarantee they will grow if planted in the womb? 18:32 {Did the Father Turn His Face Away?} Did the Father really turn His face away from Jesus on the cross? 24:27 {About the Witness in John 8} In John 8:13-19, Jesus testifies that the Father is His witness. Given the emphasis on 2 witnesses in the Law, why did He not mention the Holy Spirit in this point? The absence is conspicuous. 31:06 {Are Ministry Raffles & Lotteries Biblical?} What does the Bible say about ministries that raise money using raffles, lotteries, or giveaways? Would you give money to them? They appeal to my (and presumably others’) carnality. Is this sinful? 37:01 {The Trinity: Can We Ever be 100% Certain?} I've been fighting doubts and "what ifs" about the Trinity lately, and though I'm confident in the answers I've gotten, I fear I'll never be certain about it again. Any advice? 45:02 {Help Understanding Gossip} I’ve been confused about what type of talk is considered “gossip.” I don’t want to be doing it, but sometimes it’s hard for me to tell if it’s gossip or not. How do I tell what is and isn’t gossip? 49:32 {Are there Differing Accounts of Who Saw Jesus?} How should we explain the differing accounts of people who saw Jesus after He rose? Some verses say women saw Him first, and others say men. 52:04 {Is it Biblical to Spank Children?} Is it biblical for parents to spank their children? Does it model Christian character? Any advice for parents on how to biblically discipline their children, especially young children (around 2 years old)? 57:47 {About the Treasure/Pearl in Matthew 13} Is Matthew 13:44-46 about us finding salvation in Jesus, OR is it about Jesus giving all for us? Is the treasure/pearl our salvation in Jesus? Or is it our value to Him? 1:02:38 {Wisdom in Applying for Ministry Jobs} I'm pursuing a degree in religion, and considering looking for ministry jobs. Is it right of me to apply for ministry jobs I might not be qualified for and trust the church to make a good decision? 1:04:13 {Clarifying a Confusing Verse} What’s your opinion on Genesis 3:16? ESV says “contrary to” and other translations say “for.” It can’t be both, can it? I’m so confused by it. 1:09:39 {Did God Command Balaam & then Become Upset?} Why does God get angry with Balaam in Numbers 22:20-22 for going when it seems He just told him to go in verse 20? 1:16:01 {About Repentance & Rebuke} Can you talk about Luke 17:3? Should you rebuke someone after they repent? 1:19:23 {Does God Only Speak through Scripture?} Does God still speak to us? I have heard it said that if you want to hear God speak, read your Bible; and if you want to hear Him speak audibly, read the Bible out loud. I believe God does still speak, but I’m conflicted. 1:25:43 {Why is Transgender Surgery Wrong?} If Christian work is restorative: healing the sick, clothing the naked, etc. to create "foretastes" of Heaven, then why is transgender surgery wrong? Isn't that also restorative/fixing disorder? 1:31:53 {About Prophecy in Matthew’s Gospel} A Muslim asked: “Why did the