20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 67)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Intro1. 0:35 {How to have More Self Control} You mentioned in a past session the issue of “becoming slaves to our desires” instead of "just doing the right things we don't feel like doing." Whether it’s reading Scripture, doing the housework, eating the right things, etc., I struggle with this daily, and my whole house is a disaster. Please, can you offer some advice on how to target this issue?2. 12:27 {Is Marriage Required after Kissing or Sex?} Some say that because my ex-boyfriend and I French kissed, we must marry. We broke up 2 years ago and he didn't answer when I asked to talk. I want to be free to marry someone else, but I'm scared to sin against God. Help. How can I know I am free?3. 16:34 {Why Isn’t the Greek OT More Authoritative?} Why isn’t the Greek Old Testament more authoritative? Its manuscripts are older and are referenced in the New Testament. E.g., Jesus mentions Greek version of Isaiah 61 with “blind” in Luke 4:18.4. 20:54 {Is it Unfair that Certain People Receive God’s Forgiveness?} People in my life push against "saved by faith alone" asking “How can people like Hitler accept Jesus right before death and then go and sit in Heaven next to Mother Teresa? How do I address that?5. 26:47 {About the Elect & The Tribulation} Can you be saved but not elect? I’m confused by Mark 13:20. Will the elect be taken by the rapture, or will they suffer during the Tribulation?6. 30:35 {Is Self-Forgiveness Biblical?} Any thoughts on self-forgiveness? Do you think it’s biblical?7. 34:33 {Is Contraception Sinful?} Why do people say there is no biblical basis against contraception when God kills Onan for it (Genesis 38:8-10)? And the punishment for that is not death according to Deuteronomy 25:7-10.8. 41:07 {About Parachurch Ministries / CRU} What do you think of parachurch organizations like Cru? They don't seem biblical to me because they assume the duties of a local church. I would love to know what you think.9. 43:35 {About Conviction of Sin} How can someone know if they are truly feeling convicted about something? I am trying to get right with God, and I sometimes feel everything I do is damning. I don’t want to sugarcoat things – I want to be realistic.10. 48:41 {Will we See the Father & Jesus in Heaven?} Jesus said that no one has seen the Father except Himself. Do you think when we get to Heaven, that we will be able to see the Father, as well as Jesus?11. 50:48 {Did Moses Write in Hebrew or Hieroglyphics?} I am curious about the theory that Moses wrote in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, not Hebrew. Arguing for an oral tradition, not a written text. I had never heard this before, and I'm a little baffled.12. 52:47 {Scriptural Support for Continuationism} Is there Scripture that supports being a Continuationist? I am a "soft-charismatic," but personal experience is not convincing to a Cessasionist claiming I'm being unbiblical, or even heretical.13. 56:30 {Could a Gentile Become a Jew in the OT?} In the Old Testament, God worked with the Israelites. Could a Gentile become a Jew in the Old Testament and be saved?14. 59:52 {Can Christians Marry Non-Christians?} Would you recommend marrying someone of a different religion? Say, Seventh Day Adventist, for example?15. 1:02:51 {About the Fall of Satan} How could the devil fall, being perfect (moral excellence), knowing the full comprehension of God? How could he even think evil thoughts?16. 1:05:14 {About the “Lying Spirit” in 1 Kings} How do you interpret the lying spirit in 1 kings 22?17. 1:12:26 {Theism vs. Biblical Christianity} I’m a theist, but I am not a Christian. What are some attributes of God? And how does Jesus exhibit them in specific situations in the Bible? Could you please pray that God gives me confirmat