20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 63)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Intro1. 0:19 {About the “Serpent Seed” Doctrine} What are your thoughts about the “Serpent Seed Doctrine” which states that the serpent mated with Eve in the Garden of Eden as the first sin, and that the offspring of their union was Cain?2. 15:00 {Difficult Passages – Trusting in God’s Goodness} How do you respond to 1 Samuel 15:3 that includes in the command "child & infant"? It doesn't ruin my trust in God's goodness, but it is hard to understand/explain. Any insight you have is appreciated!3. 21:56 {About Mars Hill / Pr. Mark Driscoll} What are the lessons we all can learn from Mark Driscoll and the “Rise and Fall of Mars Hill”?4. 24:49 {Are Dating Apps OK?} Should a Christian use Christian dating apps? I don’t see anything wrong with meeting people through these apps, but when I try to use them, I feel guilty. Does the Bible guide us somehow on this?5. 28:34 {Intellectual Agreement vs. Faith in Christ} I believe I'm trusting in Jesus' death and resurrection for salvation, but I have OCD and can't control my thoughts. So how do I know if I'm really trusting, or just agreeing with facts intellectually?6. 31:06 {Reaching Difficult Students for Christ} I'm a high school teacher at a school that’s heavily influenced by culture and broken homes. The students lack respect, and hate following rules. How can I reach these students that appear far from God?7. 33:38 {About Seraphim, Snakes & Satan} If the word “seraphim” is derived from the same Hebrew root word for snake, it is really a stretch to say that Lucifer (who is a seraphim) in the Garden of Eden could have appeared reptilian?8. 37:34 {Staying in Fellowship While Working} I just moved to a new city, and I work every Sunday. How do I find a church family if I work every Sunday?9. 38:33 {Encouragement for New Bible Teachers} I'm a recent MDiv graduate who gets questions from friends and family about the Bible. I do a study and answer them, and they respond with "that's what I thought." Any encouragement to keep trying?10. 41:57 {Watching Inappropriate Content} Do you think it’s a sin to watch movies or shows that make inappropriate jokes and have some language? Or is it only a sin when we personally make crude jokes and use that language?11. 45:30 {Refuting a Calvinist Interpretation} I am not a Calvinist, but I am having a very hard time finding a non-Calvinist interpretation of Acts 13:48.12. 49:45 {Which OT Teachings are for Us Today?} How are some biblical teachings like hair length considered cultural and specific only to ancient times, when other things apply even today, like homosexuality?13. 52:49 {Theological Disagreements in Marriage} Should a husband refuse to go to a hyper-Charismatic church that his wife wants to attend, and rather attend his own church that emphasizes the Bible?14. 54:50 {About being “Unequally Yoked”} What does being “unequally yoked” look like?15. 57:45 {About the “7 Mountain Mandate”} Could you explain why the “7 Mountain Mandate” is wrong theology? It is so popular and, on the surface, seems like such a good idea.16. 1:01:25 {Do Salvation Numbers = Biblical Practices?} Should we always see new souls coming to Christ as a sign/indicator that the Lord was with us in a particular event, service, or mission field?17. 1:04:40 {Attending No Church vs. an Unbiblical Church?} Is it better to attend a church you disagree with in theology, rather than not attending church at all?18. 1:06:41 {Do Sources of Inspiration Matter?} I want my music to glorify God. When I make music with computer though, I worry a lot about the sources of my inspiration. Any tips or principles to ensure that I’m not being influenced by ungodly sources?19. 1:09:33