20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 62)

BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Intro1. 0:04 {My Fault if Someone’s Not Saved?} I know God is in control, but since prayer and fasting makes a difference, is it my fault if someone is not saved because I didn’t pray or fast enough for them? I feel responsible when I eat or forget to pray.2. 9:31 {About the 2 Witnesses / Rapture?} It seems like the 2 witnesses in Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11 are like two peoples instead of individuals, as Romans 11: 17-21 speaks of olive trees/branches being Jews/Gentiles. If so, would the rapture be the "calling up" of them?3. 17:01 {Does Romans Teach Works for Salvation?} Does Romans 6: 22 preach salvation by works? John Piper claims that this verse suggests that at final salvation, our works coming from sanctification result in eternal life.4. 24:30 {Does God Grant People Faith? / Calvinism} How would you interpret the end of Matthew 11 in a non-Calvinist way, since it seems at a quick read to me that God grants people faith?5. 29:55 {Thinking Biblically about Trends} There is a trend in many young male Christians where they are wearing earrings, painting nails, fixing eyebrows, and putting on makeup. Help me think biblically about this, as it's a bit shocking.6. 35:04 {Advice for being a Godly Man} I just turned 18 today, and for the past few months, I've been struggling with the transition into adulthood. Got any advice for someone trying to become the man God wants them to be?7. 39:22 {Does Blindness Cover Sin?} In John 9: 41, Jesus says, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin..." What does it mean to be "blind" in this context? Does this blindness also cover sin?8. 45:43 {Discerning Extrabiblical Prophecies} When should extrabiblical prophecy be accepted or rejected? I don’t know how to discern or “test the spirits,” and I don’t want to be overly dismissive, even if the claims seem astonishing.9. 51:34 {About Submission in Marriage} If a husband's rule over his wife was a curse of the fall, why is it taught as God-ordained in the New Testament? Aren't husbands and wives called to submit to each other under the New Covenant?10. 54:18 {Right and Wrong Public Worship/Prayer} In Matthew 6:5, Jesus says not to pray like people in public who try to get attention. Would that include praying and worshiping in church?11. 58:18 {Interpreting the Psalms} In Psalm 2: 12, What does the psalmist mean by this verse in its non-messianic context?12. 1:02:23 {Judging & Correcting Non-Believers} Are we supposed to judge those outside of the Church, and do we have any right to control/direct what they do (Romans 1: 32; 1 Corinthians 5: 12)?13. 1:06:30 {Theological Differences while Dating} I've just discovered my long-term girlfriend does not believe homosexuality is a sin, and I'm really struggling with anxiety regarding this. Is it wrong to break up over this, and how should I approach this?14. 1:09:04 {How Does the HS Guide Us?} I'm a new born-again Christian and I'd like to know, how does the Holy Spirit guide us?15. 1:12:34 {Resources for Seniors} Are there any good sources for ministering to seniors you can recommend?16. 1:13:07 {Is Sheol/Hades the Same as Hell?} Are the biblical references to Sheol/Hades necessarily Hell? Some Christian traditions have it as the underworld, with Hell only being something after the resurrection.17. 1:15:45 {Abortion OK - Babies will Go to Heaven?} What would you say to a vicar who says that abortion isn't the biggest issue or problem for God as the babies will end up in Heaven anyway?18. 1:20:58 {Did Jesus Come to Abolish the Law?} Why does Paul say in Ephesians 2: 15 “…by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances…” when Jesus said that He did not come to abolish the law in Matthew 5: 17?19. 1:27:14 {Book of Ecclesiastes – Enjoyi

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