20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 56)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction1. 0:16 {Was the Flood Overkill?} In Genesis, God destroys the world saying that the world has become unholy, but He saves Noah. Why couldn't He just do something bad to the people instead of doing all of the work to start over after the flood?2. 5:46 {Will Unbelievers Bow?} Does “every knee shall bow” refer to each person when they die and stand before God, or mankind collectively at the return of Jesus? If it's the latter, does this mean unbelievers will be forced to do this?3. 10:35 {Is it Sin, or Am I Legalistic?} A pastor told me it was a sin to watch Star Wars & Dragon Ball Z & listen to rock music because they're Pagan. I'm willing to give these up if they are, but how do I know if it's a sin or legalism?4. 16:35 {About Pastor Nathan Finochio} What do you know about Nathan Finochio? My daughter was invited to a youth event where he is the main preacher, but I'm not sure if I should let her attend.5. 17:44 {About Judgment, Sinners, & New Jerusalem} After the Great White Throne judgment and the Second Death (Revelation 21: 10), where do the sinners come from that are kept outside the New Jerusalem (Revelation 22: 15)?6. 21:53 {Taking Communion Unworthily} In 1 Corinthians 11: 30 when Paul says you can get weak, sick, or die if taking the last supper in an unworthy manner, what specific sins are punishable by death?7. 28:42 {About Tongues & God’s Will} If the Holy Spirit gives tongues, how is it that anyone uses it against the will of God, if the Spirit only does what the Father wills? (For example, misusing it in church services.)8. 30:50 {Anxiety about Repenting of Every Sin} How can I deal with the urge to ask for forgiveness for nearly every intrusive thought, feeling, and temptation? If I'm asking out of anxiety, am I asking in vain? I don't want to treat sin lightly.9. 33:33 {When a Spouse is Unrepentant} How should we approach a situation where one spouse is doing something potentially harmful to the health of the family, yet won't quit? Ex: vaping inside of the home.10. 37:17 {Do Paul & God Keep Secrets?} Regarding Paul's vision of Heaven in 2 Corinthians 12, Why can't Paul tell us what he saw? Did he see something bad? Why do Paul and God have to be secretive and hide things?11. 43:09 {Does Scripture Value Children?} In the book of Job, his children were killed as part of his trials. At the end, he was blessed with more children. This has always bothered me. Why does it appear that children are disposable like that?12. 45:57 {Is “Accepting Jesus” Man-Centered Soteriology?} Is it man-centered thinking to say that “Jesus died for everyone but it is only applied to you if/when you accept it”? Are we the ones who give the cross its power? I’d Like to hear your thoughts on this.13. 48:23 {Coming Back to the Lord after Doubting} I wanted to ask if you have any biblical guidance on coming back to your Christ-like identity when you've fallen into doubt.14. 53:25 {Can People be Tricked into Hell?} Can people be tricked into Hell, such as people born into false religions or North Korea? If so, how is that fair?15. 56:33 {About Praying for the Sick} How should James 5: 13-16 be interpreted in the light of praying for the sick to be healed, especially in church? I’ve seen people praying for others expecting them to be healed immediately.16. 1:00:25 {About the Trinity / Divine Simplicity} Isn't it problematic to affirm the Trinity while rejecting the metaphysical hermeneutic that was used to articulate/defend the doctrine (e.g., divine simplicity) in the early centuries?17. 1:02:40 {Should We Correct Non-Believers’ Sins?} What is the Christian’s role in bringing up non-believers’ specific sins? Should we, at all? I hear people reference John 16:8. How should we bes