20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 55)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:45 {About Church Discipline} Can you please explain what the Bible says about local churches having a process of “church discipline” and how that should be carried out? Should it be rare, or a regular part of church life? Where should leaders draw the line when deciding if someone made a minor mistake vs. someone needing discipline?2. 13:02 {Is Baptism Required?} Why does the Bible sound like baptism is required for salvation in some places (eg. Mark 16: 16)? Does Acts 1:5 answer what KIND of baptism IS required (Holy Spirit baptism)? And what did Jesus mean by “to fulfill righteousness”?3. 18:31 {About Tithing & “Prosperity” Teachings} My church says a declaration before tithing. Part of it is: "I am believing Him for advancements, God-ideas, blessings & increases, financial freedom, & breakthroughs." Is this a prosperity church red flag?4. 22:00 {Are Murder Mysteries Appropriate for Believers?} I watched your video on Halloween, and I’m wondering what your thoughts are on murder mystery dinner parties (and for that matter, murder mysteries in general). Is it wrong to be entertained by them?5. 25:17 {Why does Pastor Mike Love Jesus?} I would love to know, why do you love Jesus?6. 26:52 {About Doubt, Truth, & Bias} My friend is doubting his faith and reality because he claims there's no way to discern truth objectively without some sort of bias. How would you answer him?7. 31:06 {Can Sons be Punished for Parents’ Sins?} Don't questions like 2 Kings 5: 27, 2 Kings 9:8, and Exodus 12: 29 contradict Ezekiel 18: 20 which says that sons cannot be punished for the sins of their fathers?8. 34:44 {Should We Ever Hate People?} Should we hate the evil doer (e.g., those who promote or perform abortion) or should we just keep their salvation in mind? Or can we do both at the same time?9. 38:19 {Can the Deceased Send us Signs?} How do you explain to someone that their dead loved one is not sending signs to them, no matter how convincing those signs are?10. 40:43 {About Questionable Worship Lyrics} I play guitar at my church. I don’t always agree with the theology couched in some songs. I don’t sing lines I don’t agree with, but I am still on stage. Would love to hear your general thoughts on this!11. 43:02 {How to Repent When We’re Not “Feeling” It} How do I repent unto salvation (repent and be saved) when I do not want to? I am asking from the current place of being unsaved.12. 45:04 {About the Fear of Eternity} A student recently shared a fear of hers: the idea of eternity, even if in Heaven. I have to admit I struggle with this, as well. Any advice for me, for how I can comfort her from the Bible?13. 49:45 {About our Music Choices} Is it OK to listen to old music from former Christians, like Kevin Max or Ray Boltz? Is their music prior to them leaving Christ OK to listen to?14. 52:36 {About Adam & Eve / Sin Nature} Were Adam and Eve created WITH a sin nature at their creation? If not, why then did they choose to sin in the first place, all the while God having called His creation good?15. 54:44 {About God being our Loving Father} I've been a believer for a very long time, but still struggle with the concept of God as loving Father. Mainly due to my upbringing. How do I overcome this? The doubt is overwhelming.16. 57:50 {Clashing Translations?} In 1 Corinthians 7, whom do verses 36-38 address? Some versions add "daughter," implying fathers, but ESV, in using "his betrothed" and "his passions" seem to indicate a groom.17. 1:01:44 {How to Witness to an Angry Person} My friend has left Christianity. His family is a bit extreme and aggressive with their faith, and he says they are what pushed him away from his. If I try to talk with him, he gets angry. What ca