20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 54)

BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:36 {Should we “Apply” the Blood of Jesus?} Someone recently told me to always "apply the blood of Jesus" over my family, my home, myself, and everything that belongs to me before I pray, since there is spiritual warfare going on. Have you heard of this, and what are your thoughts?2. 5:44 {About the Curse in 2 Kings} How should we explain 2 Kings 2: 23-25? I had somebody bring it up to me and was unsure of how to answer them. On the surface, it seems problematic. What can I say to them?3. 11:10 {A Godly Attitude for Workplace Struggles} My parents think Christians shouldn’t unionize or strike, and should just do what they’re told or go elsewhere, citing the Parable of the Vineyard. But that sounds crazy to me. What should a Christian attitude be to workplace struggles?4. 15:46 {About “Leaven,” Destruction, & Revelation} Any thoughts on using Matthew 13: 33 to prove that people inside the faithful church will try to destroy it (saying that yeast is bad and the woman Jesus referred to is the same as in Revelation)?5. 18:52 {About Being Alive in Christ/Future Resurrection} Please explain John 11: 25-26, how the first person became dead but believed and the second person being a believer never dies.6. 23:05 {Thoughts about Steven Crowder} What is your opinion on Christian YouTuber Steven Crowder? A lot of his content (while in the name of comedy and free speech) is quite vulgar and feels insensitive. Is his method biblical?7. {Accidentally skipped - sorry about that!}8. 24:42 {Why did People Fall Over in John 18?} My question is about John 18:6. It’s a really powerful moment, but did the other disciples not see it?9. 30:36 {Repentance of the Heart & Mind} I am a former crossdresser (not transgender), but I don't feel any guilt or remorse for when I used to cross-dress. Any advice on how to not just repent with my actions, but also repent with my mind/heart?10. 35:08 {Is Marriage Different Now?} My friend says the definition of marriage evolved over time, and that now it’s a legal contract, but in biblical times she claims it was a social transfer of care. Thus, she believes living with her boyfriend unmarried is biblical. Thoughts?11. 39:29 {About Sin and our Flesh} Does Romans 7: 24 suggest that sin is in our flesh? Is this the reason why some people may be predisposed to certain sinful behaviors?12. 43:29 {Is Jesus Finite or Infinite?} Jesus said, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end" (Revelation 22: 13 ESV). Does this mean God the Son is finite? Is He saying Jesus, fully man, is finite?13. 46:19 {Why does God Allow More Wicked Generations?} Why does God allow wicked people to persist and bring forth more generations that will mostly go to Hell, instead of bringing judgment on them and erasing their culture as soon as they go astray?14. 51:00 {Help with Doubts & Unbelief} How do you stop doubting that God exists or that Christianity is the true religion out of many, especially Islam? Sometimes my faith wanders from belief to unbelief. Any tips?15. 54:44 {Why was Jesus Given Sedatives?} Why would the Roman soldiers try to give Jesus the wine and myrrh (which I understand to be a sedative)? Wouldn’t they want the crucifixion to be as painful as possible?16. 55:32 {Are Prayers from Books Spells?} Could prayers from prayer books be considered spells?17. 57:04 {Should a Protestant Marry a Catholic?} What do I do if I'm thinking about marrying a Catholic girl, myself being Protestant? She has no problems with my faith but wants our sons baptized, since she and her whole family is Catholic.18. 59:43 {About Theophanies & Christophanies} Would you say that every theophany is a Christophany? (John 1: 17-18, Jude 1:5, John 8: 58, Matthew 11: 2

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