20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 53)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction 1. 0:30 {Should We Ask God to Change Us?} You taught once in a past video that when we pray, we should NOT ask God to change us, as that would be like asking or expecting God to do all of the work. Can you please elaborate on that, and how to rightly pray instead?2. 7:49 {About Forgiveness of Unconfessed Sin} Are you forgiven or held accountable for the sins you’re not aware of and don’t repent of? For example: gluttony, laziness, or even getting mad at someone and later forgetting about it.3. 10:37 {Why is Suicide a Sin?} Why do Christians see suicide as a sin if it’s never condemned in the Bible? Why should I be forced to live a pathetic life I never asked for?4. 15:55 {About “Feeling” God’s Presence} I always hear Christians say they “felt the presence of God.” How can I feel His presence? I read His Word as much as I can and pray often, but have never “felt” His presence.5. 20:11 {About Astronomical Alignment} Do you think the astronomical alignment on Sept 23rd, 2017 is a fulfillment of Revelation 12:1-3? It feels like astrology to me.6. 24:55 {Was Martin Luther Saved?} Do you think Martin Luther went to Heaven, despite the fact that he had a hatred toward Jews and was unrepentant?7. 29:04 {About Worship Principles} What is difference between the normative and regulative principle of worship? Any useful thoughts to this discussion, what to avoid, what to strive for?8. 35:03 {How to Keep Marriage God-Centered} Is your wife a part of your ministry? How do you keep your marriage God-centered?9. 38:17 {Do Numbers & Leviticus Contradict?} In Numbers 5, there is a test for an unfaithful wife. In verses 27-28 however, the punishment called for appears to differ from that in Leviticus 20: 10 which calls for death. Am I missing something?10. 44:30 {Can a Muslim be Saved?} Is it possible for a Muslim to be saved through faith since they also believe in to getting into Heaven by God's grace (although through works) and through repentance of sins?11. 49:53 {About the “Wages of Sin”} If “the wages of sin is death,” why is there a Hell? When a non-believer dies, why wasn't that debt paid by their death?12. 53:03 {Did Pharaoh in Exodus have Free Will?} I was just wondering what your thoughts were on Exodus 9: 12. Did Pharaoh have free will?13. 59:25 {How Important is Inerrancy?} I found out that several big teachers and content writers at my church don't believe that the Bible is inerrant? Should I be concerned?14. 1:02:39 {About Adoption/Homosexual Couples} How should Christians who are unwilling/uncalled to adopt respond to gay couples who adopt without looking like hypocrites or inhospitable (since they’re not taking in these kids themselves)?15. 1:06:43 {Should we Read Non-Canonical Books?} Would you recommend that current Christians develop an awareness of Scripture that is no longer canon?16. 1:09:46 {About the Galilean Wedding/The Rapture} Have you studied the Galilean wedding being justification for a pre-trib rapture? I’m having a hard time finding trusted sources to teach on this.17. 1:12:28 {About the “2 or 3 Witnesses” Principle} What is the significance of the Bible saying "2 or 3 witnesses" to establish an accusation, as opposed to saying "2 witnesses" or "3 witnesses"?18. 1:14:13 {Should a Head Pastor be Close to His Staff?} What are your thoughts on a head pastor who does not interact with his staff? I teach at a church and have no real relationship (to the point of pain) with my pastor as he is never present.19. 1:17:53 {Do Ghosts / Demons Exist?} I have a feeling that something is living in my house that shouldn't be there, and it is taking all the energy out of me! Do ghosts/demons really exist, and how can I get rid of