20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 52)

BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:48 {Does Scripture Promote Evil Things?} I’ve been challenged with the accusation that the Bible “promotes killing, rape, and slavery,” quoting Numbers 31: 15-18. I don’t want to simply prove them wrong; that doesn’t address this person’s heart. Would you please help?2. 18:36 {About the Death Penalty} As a follow up to your teaching on the death penalty, this question is from my skeptic brother: "Isn't it better to rehabilitate offenders in hopes that they may come to repentance and give their lives to God?"3. 22:32 {About the Apostles & Judas’ Position} I’ve heard it taught that the Apostles were being presumptuous when filling Judas’ empty position. Why did they choose to apply Psalm 69: 25 and Psalm 109:8 to the situation?4. 30:38 {Can we See God’s Face & Still Live?} Exodus 33: 20 says "no one can see my face and live.” How do we reconcile this with Exodus 33: 11 which says, "the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as to a friend"?5. 36:02 {About the 70th Week & Seven Seals} Is there any biblical evidence that the beginning of Daniel's 70th week and Jesus opening the first of the seven seals in Revelation will occur roughly at the same time?6. 37:44 {Why Didn’t God Rewrite Difficult Passages?} Can you explain the Holy Spirit Inspiration Doctrine? I struggle with understanding why God did not rewrite controversial Bible passages. I know I am only a man, and I seek to understand.7. 41:35 {Advice for an Unequally Yoked Marriage} My wife is an unbeliever. The more I attend church, the more strain it puts on our marriage. Is it right to continue going to church, or should I stop? (1 Corinthians 7: 14) I pray for her every day.8. 44:40 {About the Book of Numbers} What is the best way to read the book of Numbers? What’s some really cool stuff about it and how it ties to JESUS?9. 47:36 {Is “Deliverance” / Demon Casting Biblical?} I'm wondering about your thoughts on deliverance. Would you consider calling and identifying demons biblical, or is it not?10. 50:43 {Reconciling 2 Important Verses/Worldly Christians?} Can you explain Matthew 7: 21 vs. Romans 10: 13? Also, how do you spot worldly Christians (1 Corinthians 3:1) from those who are unsaved but have good works (Matthew 7: 22-23)? Shouldn't we have grace for sanctification?11. 55:15 {Advice for Christian College Students} What advice do you have for Christians in college?12. 59:12 {Is there Hope After Death for the Unsaved?} Can the Gospel be preached to the dead? According to 1 Peter 4:6, is there any hope for people after they die? Also, in 1 Peter 3:19-20, what does “preached unto the spirits in prison” mean?13. 1:03:43 {About Assurance of Salvation} How can I be sure that I am going to Heaven when I die?14. 1:06:35 {How is Satan the World’s Ruler?} Can you explain how Satan became the ruler of this world?15. 1:09:48 {About Salvation by Grace vs. Our Efforts} If we don't have to do works to get saved, why does Jesus tell us to "make every effort to enter through the narrow door" in Luke 13: 24?16. 1:13:07 {Help for Anxiety over Unsaved Loved Ones} How do I combat anxiety about my newborn daughter’s salvation? It’s a difficult topic for me due to my younger brother walking away from the faith as a teenager.17. 1:16:10 {About God’s Omnipotence & Non-Contradiction} Since God can’t contradict Himself, does that mean that His power is limited in a way? I know God is all powerful, but what is the logical reason behind Him being powerful and non-contradictory?18. 1:20:06 {About Vaccines & Aborted Fetal Tissue} What are your thought on vaccines using aborted fetal cell lines for development? I’m about to lose my job at big MN clinic if

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