20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 49)

BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:10 {How to Support a Recovering Spouse} My husband is a recovering alcoholic, now beginning to attend AA meetings. As a wife, what are the most practical ways I can support him while encouraging him to begin leading our home in a biblical way without overwhelming him?2. 7:00 {Where did Lazarus Temporarily Go?} Where were people who died and later got resurrected located in that period? Do they go to Heaven or Hell and get snatched back to Earth after they’re resurrected (e.g., Lazarus, Dorcas, Eutychus etc.)?3. 10:50 {Our Own Thoughts vs. the Holy Spirit} In something like pursuing a relationship, or even in general, how do you tell the difference between the Holy Spirit and your own anxiety telling you not to do something?4. 18:42 {How to Biblically Grieve Painful Loss} My only son died from an overdose last year. I was angry at God and walked away from Him for a bit. I told Him “If I am to serve you, I want the real God.” Isaiah 43: 18-19 says to get over it. How do I get over it?5. 23:28 {Can Horror Movies & Secular Music Invite Demons?} What are your thoughts about Christians having to be careful so that they don’t invite demons into their lives through watching horror movies or listening to secular music? Is this biblical?6. 27:50 {About Evidence & Belief} Imagine if someone asked you, “Would you be willing to disbelieve in God if the evidence led there?” What would your response be? Are we obligated to say yes? Does that dishonor God?7. 34:07 {About the “Golden Rule”} Is the Golden Rule objective or subjective? For example, I tease my friend and he teases me back because we think it's funny, but I won't do it to others because they don't think it's funny.8. 35:58 {Are All of God’s Actions Infallible?} How do I approach a conversation with someone who doesn't believe God is infallible? He believes in the God of the Bible, but he doesn't think all of God's actions are "good," like in the book of Job.9. 43:44 {Identifying & Rejecting False Teaching} What's up with all the bad hermeneutics out there? How can those of us without formal training avoid bad interpretation/application of Scripture by ourselves and be able to spot them in sermons, etc.?10. 46:21 {Does God Hate Satan?} Does God hate Satan and the demons?11. 48:01 {What Did Jesus Mean by “Be Perfect”?} What did Jesus mean when He said, "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect" in Matthew 5: 48? Wouldn't that mean we're all condemned since we sin every day/week?12. 54:39 {About Jacob & Esau} Why didn't God punish Jacob and his mother for stealing Esau's birthright and blessing (Genesis 27)? In fact, why does He love Jacob and hate Esau (Malachi 1)?13. 57:53 {About “Unknown”/ Tongues in 1 Cor.} What do you make of the added word “unknown” in 1 Corinthians 14:2-3, which is not in the original Greek? Could it mean that it is not a different sort of tongues, rather, that no one understands them?14. 1:00:27 {A Difficult Passage – Ezekiel 45} Is Jesus offering sin sacrifices in Ezekiel 45?15. 1:03:23 {Should we Worship Using Instruments?} Should we use instruments in congregational church worship? Why or why not? The early church did not use instruments.16. 1:07:54 {What to Do When a Church Member is Out of Line} What should I do if a member of my fellowship with some mental issues has been making several false prophecies every day, saying literally "hear me for the lord speaks”?17. 1:09:27 {Book Recommendations?} What are some good books for important topics like systematic theology, hermeneutics, complementarianism, etc.?18. 1:11:50 {About the Subordination of the Son} How do you explain the subordination of Jesus (1 Corinthians 11:3; 15: 28) to the Father within Trinitarian t

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