20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 48)

BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Our first question today is about the 7 tenets of Satanism. I think most people don't really understand what they are about. Let's get into it a bit. Here's that video giving a biblical evaluation of suicide: https://youtu.be/T6nlUhWJe00 To get your own questions answered, please show up at the start of the stream and type a question beginning with "Q" (or ANQ to ask anonymously), but don't send it before you see me on screen. I can only get to 20 each week, so please forgive me for not being able to answer all that come in. BibleThinker is a ministry committed to helping you learn to think biblically about everything. My website: https://BibleThinker.org Time Stamps: 0:00 - Introduction1. 0:29 {About the Satanic Temple’s 7 Tenets} The Satanic Temple has been gaining popularity online due to their “7 tenets” they believe people should live by. Many people see these tenets as positive and morally good, and are being drawn into their organization as a result. What are your thoughts about this?2. 13:31 {Does Isaiah Disprove the Trinity?} Does Isaiah 9:6 disprove the Trinity since it calls Jesus the Father? many Oneness/Unitarians use this verse to support Oneness/modalism.3. 18:19 {About our Souls/Spirits} What exactly is a soul or a spirit?4. 20:14 {Biblical Dating Advice} What things should a high school student consider while deciding if or how to date a godly woman?5. 23:17 {Should we Always Say “God Willing”?} What does James 4: 13 mean? Should we always say “God willing” when making or talking about our plans?6. 27:03 {About the “Doctrines of Demons”} Can you give more examples about the “doctrines of demons” mentioned in 1 Timothy 4:1?7. 32:27 {About Becoming a Disciple} How do you become a disciple in light of Matthew 28: 19? Can you be unsaved yet still a disciple? I haven’t found the Greek word (μαθητευω) elsewhere. Seems to normally be μαθητης (ex. Acts 11: 29; 19: 30; 21:4, 16).8. 35:12 {When we Should and Shouldn’t Witness} How do we know when to speak up about the truth of Christ vs. when not to? I am grieved by what I see being claimed as “truth” today, but I don’t want to just sit back and say “I’m not supposed to judge.”9. 40:11 {About the Fear of God and Dinosaurs} Does the "fear" of the Lord mean "scared"? If not, why is "fear” still used in today’s Bibles? Translation problem? Confused here! And were dinosaur bones/fossils created by the devil to cast doubt?10. 44:42 {About Denominations} Do you think denominations are a “concession” from God in that He knew we would disagree on doctrine, or is it more like differing members of the body reaching different people in different ways?11. 48:58 {Responding to Mormon Arguments} What is your best answer to a Mormon responding to "There is only ONE God" by saying "Yes, only one God for US. Only one God we are to worship & that’s OUR Heavenly Father but there are others elsewhere"?12. 55:29 {What is the Mark of the Beast?} What is the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13? I’ve heard and read so many things, and I’m not sure how to make sense of it.13. 1:03:47 {Is it Biblical? Jesus in our Hearts} Do we have "Jesus in our hearts" as believers? What about worship songs about Jesus in the room? John 16:5-10, Acts 1:9-11 and basically all of Revelation seems to say Jesus is in Heaven for now.14. 1:08:43 {Why did God Allow our Sin Nature?} Frank Turek said (paraphrasing) that in Heaven we will have free will, but we won't sin because we won't have a sin nature. If that's the case, why didn't God just make us like that on Earth?15. 1:13:49 {How to Comf

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