20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 47)

BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:23 {Will Psychopaths be Judged the Same?} It has recently been scientifically proven that many psychopaths have a physical brain alteration that doesn't allow their synapses to receive the neuron chemicals for emotions such as sympathy. Oftentimes, they become violent criminals or even murderers. Will they be judged by God the same as any other person, even though they have something physiologically wrong with them?2. 8:03 {What do Miracles/Healing Depend On?} If one were to pray over someone for a miracle or for healing, what would the chances of it working depend on? Jesus said that it depends on faith. Does it also depend on being a relatively righteous person?3. 15:07 {About Glorified Bodies/Resurrection} If our bodies are glorified at the rapture, what happens to those people who are saved post-rapture? Is there a second resurrection?4. 17:19 {About the Moral Argument} My brother has a very biblical worldview despite being an agnostic (in terms of homosexuality and celibacy, etc.) based on science. How do I prove that morality comes from God?5. 26:41 {Is Everyone Claiming to be Saved Really Saved?} Paul Washer said that Matthew 7: 13-14 is not about Christians and non-Christians, but rather, real Christians and Christians who think they’re saved. He says many who think they are saved aren’t really saved. Thoughts?6. 32:26 {About Giving Everything for the Lord} If salvation is a free gift and not by works, then why does Jesus say those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples? How do we know when we have given up everything?7. 38:53 {Honesty vs. Kindness?} Where do you draw the line between honest communication about things that bother you about something someone does, and “dying to self” if the person is a very close friend/loved one/spouse?8. 44:09 {About Demons and The Nephilim} Are demons the spirits of dead Nephilim? Genesis 6 explains that the Nephilim are the offspring of women and angels. Demons never materialize, but we know angels can. Luke 22:3 is not convincing to me.9. 48:04 {Can We Love Truth More than God?} Can I be a truth-seeker and a good Christian? Is it possible to love the truth more than God, considering that Jesus is the truth?10. 55:35 {About the Sun Standing Still – Josh. 10} What do you think really happened during "the long day" in Joshua 10 during the battle between Israel and the armies of the 5 kings when "the sun stood still, and the moon stopped"?11. 58:20 {About the OT Law & Sacrifices vs. Faith} Why was the old covenant law set up to require animal sacrifice, since we see Abraham was atoned for by his faith in the promise to come of what was Jesus (dimly perceived)?12. 1:03:22 {Bethel Worship Music?} Can I keep listening to Bethel’s music, given the intent (as far as I understand) to invoke emotional responses? I want to avoid the idol of “emotional highs,” but I still see value in their music.13. 1:07:03 {About the 153 Fish in John} In John 21, it is written that Peter caught 153 "large fish" and that "although there were so many, the net was not torn." Is there a message or theme John was conveying here?14. 1:12:01 {Leaving a Church the Biblical Way} How do I go about leaving my church? Do I talk to my leaders? Do I have to explain why? What do I need to do to make sure that I do it the right way?15. 1:16:28 {About the Dead Jesus Raised} Where did all the people that Jesus and the disciples raised from the dead go while they were dead? I would hate to think they were in Paradise somewhere, then had to come back.16. 1:19:05 {About Asking for Forgiveness/Mark of the Beast} A popular internet ministry says Jesus never said we need to ask for forgiveness and the Bible doesn’t mention it. Is that true? They also say it’s impossi

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