20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 39)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:39 {Do you Know of any Biblical Marriage Songs?} I write lyrics for songs and I'm wondering if there are any marriage songs based on biblical theology. I spent years writing one to my wife and it still doesn't work. Looking for examples to follow.2. 6:00 {About Jude Quoting Enoch} How do you explain Jude’s apparent quote of the book of Enoch in verses 14-15?3. 9:14 {Was Jesus Dead for Three Days?} According to Matthew 12: 40, Jesus predicted He would be dead for 3 days. But according to Mathew 28:1 and Mark 16:9, it seems this wasn’t the case. Thoughts?4. 14:50 {About Confession of Sins to Others} Is apologizing to people we’ve sinned against (e.g. lust) always necessary, and if so, to what extent? We must if they know about it, but what if they don't (or are indifferent/hard to contact)?5. 17:28 {How to Combat Intrusive Thoughts} As a new Christian, I’m constantly bombarded with intrusive thoughts, including blasphemous ones. I feel guilty sometimes and I wonder if it's me thinking these things. How can I combat this?6. 20:59 {About Apologetics being Used in Fiction} How effective do you believe apologetics can be done in works of fiction (like Narnia) rather than just straight arguments? Should there be more of it?7. 23:27 {About the 24 Elders} Who are the 24 elders? They are not mentioned in the creation account. Are they a collection of people such as Enoch, Moses, etc.?8. 28:54 {Understanding a Difficult Verse} Can you please explain Matthew 10:34-39 where Jesus says a man’s household will be his enemy?9. 34:10 {Can we Only Attend Smaller Groups?} I’m an introvert and have never felt comfortable at large Bible studies with people I don’t know. Do I have to enjoy large group studies? Is it OK to stick to small studies with one or two others?10. 36:34 {About Evangelism & Guilt/Responsibility} If we don’t share the Gospel with our friends and family, is their blood on our hands?11. 40:18 {About Imputed Righteousness} Is imputed righteousness synonymous with forgiveness of sins? Or does God require more than just sinlessness (that is to say: a positive ascribed righteousness)?12. 44:00 {About Jesus Making Himself Eq. w/God} The Pharisees were wrong in much of what they did, so wouldn’t that mean they were also incorrect in thinking Jesus was trying to make Himself equal with God?13. 48:36 {About Jesus Descending to Hell” If someone believes Jesus had to suffer in Hell for three days after the crucifixion, could they truly be saved? Don't we need to believe it was all accomplished on the cross?14. 50:23 {Biblical Wisdom for a Tough Family Situation} My mother-in-law is in a gay marriage. My wife has shared the Gospel with her, but she rejects it. Lord willing, we'd like to have kids. Should there be boundaries between the kid/grandma relationship?15. 52:46 {About Aquinas’ Summa Theologica} Have you ever read or studied the work by St. Thomas Aquinas called "Summa Theologica," and if so, what are your thoughts?16. 53:44 {About being “In Christ” in Paul’s Letters} In Paul’s prison letters, he uses the phrases “in him, in Christ, and in whom.” He seems to use these a lot in Ephesians 1, but also uses them in Philippians and Colossians. What does it mean?17. 58:13 {About Jesus being Truly Man} If Jesus was fully man and subject to time and space, how is John 21: 25 possible? Or is it hyperbole?18. 1:01:30 {How Can We Pray Constantly?} What are some practical ways to practice 1 Thessalonians 5:7? Trying to pray constantly can be draining & discouraging because it feels like there are only so many things I can pray over.19. 1:07:25 {About the Year of Jesus’ Birth} What year do you believe Jesus was born, and how do you reconcile it w