20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 106)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Today's Timestamps: 0:12 {ARRGH! The Pirate Bible!} Have you heard of The Pirate Bible? Apparently, it has been translated from the KJV into "pirate vernacular" using AI. It seems like a joke to me, but what are your thoughts? 14:28 {Does Video Auto-Play Lead to Sin?} Is it a sin to use a social media service that often displays ungodly messages and music? Short-form video services such as TikTok display videos directly on your feed rather than suggesting them to you. I will still often see ungodly videos even though I don't want to. 19:01 {Is Jesus Presently King?} Is Jesus presently on the throne or at the right hand of the throne? Is He King today? In what sense is He King? Proof text? How does the answer impact premillennial eschatology? 23:23 {Uncontacted Tribes & Judgment} I was wondering, what will happen to the uncontacted tribes during the time of Jacob’s trouble, and without the ability to hear the Gospel, what does judgment look like for them? 29:31 {Are Violent Video Games Permissible?} What are your thoughts on Christians playing violent video games like Call of Duty or Doom? At what point does it become a question of conscience vs. it just being wrong? 38:39 {Have a Pure Mind – Battling Lust} I came to Christ around 9 months ago, but I’ve been really struggling with getting closer God. I’m 15 and I have problems with lust. How can I stop always falling back into sin through lusting? 45:19 {Does Catholicism Save?} If at the end of days, the Protestant belief is proven true, would Catholics be saved? Conversely, if Catholicism turns out to be the truth, would Protestants be saved? 53:53 {Is Long Life a Blessing?} Proverbs 16:31 says that long life is the reward of the righteous. But in Philippians 1:23, Paul says he longs to go and be with Christ, which would be far better. So how is long life a blessing? 59:00 {About the 2nd Temple’s Construction} Given that Ezekiel's temple prophecy with its strict measurements was written before the second temple was built, why didn't the second temple get built to those specifications? 1:01:38 {Do Christians Still Sin?} How should I understand 1 John 3 when it talks about those who abide in Christ no longer sinning, even as someone who continues to sin? 1:10:31 {Leviticus – Burnt Offerings} In Leviticus 1:9, why were only the legs and entrails washed before burning? Cultural? 1:15:24 {Are Crop-Tops Appropriate?} Most of the older girls and young women at our church are wearing crop tops to church. I find this obviously inappropriate for church and in general, but I don't want to be legalistic. Thoughts? 1:21:10 {Are All Medications Tied to Witchcraft?} Galatians 5:20 uses “witchcraft.” The word is only used 2 times in the Bible, with the origin word being where we get pharmacy/medicine. Can you clarify? I grew up learning this was literal and still applies. 1:26:20 {Honoring God through Singleness} How can I enjoy my singleness? I'm a young adult woman and I want to be in a relationship one day, but I want to be content where I am now. How can I grow closer to God during this time? 1:30:14 {Forgiving Others} Jesus said forgive others so that God will forgive us, but Paul says we forgive BECAUSE God has forgiven us. How do you reconcile those statements? 1:34:45 {Deliverance & the “Spirit of Jezebel”} How do we lovingly correct someone who believes the deliverance ministry doctrine (people saying they have a “spirit of Jezebel” that needs to be prayed away)? 1:36:50 {About the Filioque} Can you flesh out the Filioque and its implications for the Western church? 1:38:56 {Attending Catholic Ceremonies?} Can Christians go to Catholic weddings, funerals, and baptisms? 1:44:36