20 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 111)

BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:36 {A Misogynistic Bible Verse?} In Ecclesiastes 7:27-29, my fiancée who is new to Bible reading and study wondered why this verse sounded misogynistic. Do you have any ideas?2. 22:42 {Reaching Atheist Children} I'm a new Christian from Islam. My son & daughter are like Richard Dawkins (atheist). What do you think would be the best way to give them the Gospel, short but clear?3. 26:34 {Was Jesus’ Death Truly Sacrificial?} What is the biblical nature of sacrifice? An atheist asked me how Christ's death & resurrection is truly a sacrifice if God is infinite. How do I best explain Jesus' sacrifice?4. 34:52 {Faith in Christ = Guaranteed Protection?} Matthew 6:25-34 seems to promise earthly protection. How do we contrast this with the "nakedness and starvation" that Paul and other Christians went through (especially under persecution)?5. 40:23 {Is “Allah” an Idol?} How do I explain to a "Palestinian Christian" that Allah is an idol and isn't God? My coworker claims to follow Jesus and doesn’t follow Mohammed but insists it is OK to call God “Allah” in her language.6. 43:34 {Are Pseudonyms Sinful?} Do you think it is sinful to use pseudonyms online to protect your personal identity? Could this be considered intentional deception? As Christians, to what extent do we have a right to privacy?7. 45:59 {Uphold the Constitution vs. Obey Government?} In general, Christians should not rebel against the government without biblical reason, but as one in the military, should I keep my oath to defend the Constitution if the government violates it?8. 48:30 {Is it OK to Tour Other Religions’ Places?} Where do you see the Bible speak to touring temples of other faiths for the goal of building long-term relationships and sharing the Gospel while also guarding against demonic influence or causing people to stumble?9. 54:39 {Scapegoat = Satan?} How can we be certain that the “scapegoat” isn't Satan in Leviticus 16 and Revelation 20?10. 1:00:03 {Are You Casting Pearls Before Swine?} When should we apply Matthew 7:6? I ask because for Christmas, I want to give a spiritually themed gift to my unbelieving sister, who has crudely rejected the Bible and God multiple times. Should I even bother?11. 1:04:39 {How to Honor your Parents} How can I honor my parents while not agreeing with their lifestyle or theology? What does it mean to honor your parents biblically as a young adult, and when/where do you draw the line?12. 1:07:56 {Responding to “Oneness” Teachings} How would you respond to a Oneness believer who denies the distinct Personhood of the Father, Son, and Spirit, even after showing them clear verses that distinguish the Father from the Son, etc.?13. 1:09:57 {Why is Jesus Called the “Son”?} Why is the title of Jesus “Son”? Why isn't the Holy Spirit called the Son of God?14. 1:11:30 {Honoring God & Each Other in Marital Intimacy} Does a wife have to do everything her husband wishes in the bedroom? I feel so uncomfortable doing oral acts, but he says it’s the only thing that satisfies him. I feel guilty. We both are believers.15. 1:14:47 {Did Jesus Tell a Lie?} Did Jesus actually lie in John 7:6-11?16. 1:18:49 {Is God a Biased Hypocrite?} Aren't we saved when we do our best to live Godly lives? Otherwise, God is a biased hypocrite who plays favoritism. We're to be perfect as He is! Other logic is a fallacy, thus false teaching.17. 1:22:11 {Christian Science} Would you ever be interested in doing a video on Christian Science and the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy? 18. 1:23:12 {Which Proverbs are Commands?} How can we know which proverbs (if any) are direct, unilateral commands of God (example: Proverbs 23:13-14)?19. 1:29:44 {They’re Not Worried about Eternity!} What adv

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