20 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 108)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:15 {When Should I NOT Take Communion?} When should a believer NOT take communion? Is finding myself repenting of the same sin over and over and having an ongoing struggle with the same sin a reason not to? 18:56 {Can A False Prophet Glorify God?} My parents sit under a pastor who claims to have a prophecy from God almost weekly. He preaches in Jesus’ name and glorifies God, but his prophecies are always totally wrong or incredibly vague. Can a man who glorifies God also prophesy falsely? 24:09 {Christ & H.S. In Us = Modalism?} At the end of Colossians, it talks about Christ in us, and in Galatians, it talks about the Spirit of His son in our hearts crying out “Abba, Father.” That sounds like the Holy Spirit, but is it Modalism to call Christ in you the Holy Spirit? 27:57 {Animal Sacrifices in Millen. Kingdom?} Why will there be animal sacrifices in the Millennial Kingdom? 35:25 {Should Slaves have Run Away from Masters?} In light of Ephesians 6:5-8 and Colossians 3:22-23, was it wrong for African slaves to run away from their masters? 42:48 {Do Our Prayers Need to be Specific?} People have been saying with increasing frequency, "Make your prayers specific.” I’m wondering why I keep hearing this lately. Is this biblical? 46:40 {Did Jesus Have a Sin Nature?} Was Jesus the biological son of Mary? If so, how did He not inherit a sin nature? 50:49 {Does Heaven Last for Eternity?} Do we live in Heaven for eternity, or will it be a finite time period (Isaiah 65:20)? 54:50 {Share Our Burdens?} Galatians 6:2 says to carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ, but verse 5 says that each person should carry their own load. Should we share our burdens or carry our own? 59:13 {Reject the Church = Reject Christianity?} If I reject the Church as an institution, do I automatically reject the Christian faith? 1:02:00 {Committed Relationships as Good as Marriage?} How would you answer claims that “committed sexual relationships” have everything good that a marriage has? What’s the essence of marriage that withstands infertility/impotence/distance, etc.? 1:06:09 {Recovering from Works Based Thinking} I left the Hebrew Israelite movement 3 years ago, and since then, I’ve been struggling with my walk. I know we have God’s grace, but I was so used to doing works that I feel lost now. Any suggestions? 1:11:05 {Laws, Islam & Executing Apostates} Looking at Deuteronomy 13:6-10, is the apostasy law similar to Muslims? And is it inherently immoral for an apostate to be put to death because of their beliefs, according to the Old Testament? 1:16:48 {Was Jesus’ Body Broken For Us?} What are your thoughts on when people say “This is the body of Christ, broken for you.” To me, this is not accurate, as Jesus was not “broken” for us (no bones broken like the Passover lamb). 1:18:54 {Are Non-Believers Always Wrong? { Some Christians act like non-believers are inherently untrustworthy or dishonest, like they shouldn't be taken seriously. This feels really wrong. Can you please help me find biblical teaching on this? 1:23:01 {Our Bodies during the Millennial Reign} What kind of body will each "group" of people have during the Millennial Reign? I know the previously dead will receive knew bodies, and those that die in God during the Tribulation will get new bodies. 1:24:17 {The “Prize” in Philippians} What is the prize of the upward call" in Philippians 3:14? 1:27:56 {Raising Children w/Unbelieving Family} Is it wrong that I don’t want to raise my son around my unbelieving family members? They can even be hostile to the faith. I even have a transgender niece