20 Questions episode 41 (part 2 after internet issues)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

This is the second part of today's stream. My internet dropped and then came back and I had to make a second video to finish things. Link to my 3 videos explaining textual variants and stuff related to why I don't think the story of the woman caught in adultery is originally part of John:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuzJhPtmrgqpVoXhjvqiIjW Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Re-Introduction3. 0:50 {If our Sins are Forgiven, Why Ask for Forgiveness?} If Jesus paid for all of our sins once and for all, why are we still called throughout Scripture to continually ask for forgiveness (ex: The Lord's Prayer)?4. 2:59 {About the Enneagram} What is your view on the Enneagram? I recently had a lot of problems within my church about this.5. 5:24 {About "Sin Leading/Not Leading to Death”} Can you shed some light on 1 John 5: 16-17?6. 8:36 {About Freedom from the Law} When Paul says we're saved by grace apart from the works of the law, is he referring only to the Law of Moses, or the moral law, as well?7. 13:44 {About Gematria & Numerology} In light of today’s first question, how do you account for more subtle/compelling examples of Gematria such as JESUS (IESOUS in Greek) calculating to "888"? Contrast with "666.” 8=new life, etc.8. 15:28 {About “The Passion of the Christ”} As a Christian, is The Passion of The Christ film OK to watch, and is it biblical?9. 19:27 {About Ezekiel & OT Prophecies} What does Ezekiel 40-48 mean for us? What about OT prophecies about future sacrifices?10. 22:28 {About the Doxology in Scripture} How should we make sense of the Doxology at the end of The Lord's Prayer in some English Bibles when it doesn't occur in earlier manuscripts? Should we not use it?11. 25:01 {What does it Mean that God has a Plan?} I always hear "God has a plan for your life." What does this mean? Is this about salvation, gifting/calling, or about God's overall will for believers? Is this specific or general?12. 29:55 {About Graven Images & Biblical Actors} Could you explain Exodus 20:4? Is God stating we shouldn’t have any images at all, like the images we see of Jesus in churches? And what about the people who portray Jesus in biblical movies?13. 34:25 {How to Respond to Unbiblical Statements} I was wondering of a kind way to correct people who just say "God just wants me to be happy.”14. 37:00 {Can Disobedience Thwart God’s Promises?} If God gives us a promise, could His promise be dependent on our obedience, and could we veto a promise either by our actions or by our unwillingness to receive? Please elaborate on Romans 4:13-15.15. 40:00 {About the Perpetual Virginity of Mary} What are your thoughts on the Protoevangelium of James? Does it support the perpetual virginity of Mary?16. 43:39 {About the phrase “Son of Perdition”} What is the Greek meaning of “Son of Perdition”? Is it a specific person, or a general statement?17. 47:04 {Should Atheist Arguments Concern Us?} Should we be concerned about counterarguments that atheists and skeptics present to our faith? 18. 49:30 {Is “Praying the Gay Away” Biblical?} Is “praying the gay away” wrong? It seems biblical to me.19. 53:45 {Am I Rightly or Wrongly Judging?} How do I know if I have a judgmental attitude toward someone or an honest concern about their sin?20. 54:56 {About the Woman Caught in Adultery Passage} It's said that the story from John 7: 53 to 8: 11 isn't found in the earlier manuscripts. It's one of my favorite pictures of God's grace. What do you think about how we should deal with this? My website https://BibleThinker.org