10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 4)

BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 1. 0:38 {Is God Abusive?} Does a Christian’s relationship with God mirror what an abusive relationship would look like in other scenarios?2. 18:34 {Are Healings being Hindered Today?} What does James 5:13-15 look like today? Are we missing something today that is hindering more healings from the Holy Spirit?3. 25:28 {Is Charity Meaningless Apart from the Church?} A pastor I listen to says that any community service/charity work that is not done through the Church or a Christian organization is meaningless to God. What are your thoughts on this?4. 32:02 {Does Sin Separate Believers from God?} I often hear that sin "breaks fellowship" or causes "relational unforgiveness" (to quote GotQuestions.org), but is there Scripture to show that sin can, in any way, separate a Christian from God (Hebrews 10:19)?5. 37:48 {Are We Called to Love AND “Like” Others?} Do I have to like a brother in Christ? I know I should love my neighbor and not hate anyone, but there are some personalities I don't like. Is that sinful?6. 42:00 {Who Will be Told by Jesus to “Depart”?} How is it that some people can cast out demons in Jesus’ name but then be told, “Depart from me for I never knew you”? How do I avoid that fate?7. 44:29 {Removing Shoes on Holy Ground?} What is the significance of people taking their shoes off in the presence of God in the Old Testament?8. 46:43 {Overcoming the Pressure of Comparison} How do I stop comparing myself to others? As a college student, I’m surrounded by a highly competitive environment and I find myself comparing my grades and career to others. How do I overcome this?9. 51:27 {Jews vs. Christians – Same God?} Do current Jews and Christians worship the same God? They claim to worship the God of Moses and the saints, but reject part of God.10. 55:50 {Solomon: Salvation & “The Book of His Acts”?} My question is, was Solomon saved? Did he repent after what he did? what is the Book of the Acts of Solomon (1 Kings 11:41)?11. 1:02:47 (Just for fun!) BONUS Q: In LOTR Return of the King, it is mentioned that 3 days are needed to gather more forces. Before Aragorn leaves. However, only 1 day seems to pass. How do you reconcile this? THIS is the video I mentioned which goes into detail on promises about getting what we pray for in faith.  Quick announcement: I've got bad news and good news. The bad news is that I'll only be doing 10 questions each Q&A instead of 20. The good news is that I'll be doing the Q&As every Friday instead of every other Friday. While I have the first question ready to go, I take the other 9 from the live chat. Just show up in time for the stream to begin and, once you see me live on camera, post your question in the chat. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think Biblically about everything. My website: BibleThinker.org

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