10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 12)

BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

This is the supposed Bible contradiction that I couldn't explain. Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. Today's Time Stamps:1. 0:07 {A Difficult Bible Contradiction} Can you please explain 1 Corinthians 14:22-24? Verse 22 states that tongues are a sign for unbelievers, and prophecy is for believers. But vv. 23 and 24 then go on to seemingly describe the exact opposite.2. 27:09 {John Rejects but Jesus Affirms?} How should we understand John's rejection of being Elijah and a prophet (John 1:21), while Jesus affirmed it (Matthew 11:14)?3. 34:42 {Debates on the Canon} What do we do with some of the earliest listed Bible canons and church fathers that exclude Esther and include Sirach and Wisdom of Solomon?4. 39:47 {Are Easier Translations Unwise?} I struggle reading word for word translations of the Bible like the ESV. I love the NLT for its simple vocabulary and how easy it is to understand. Is it unwise to use the NLT to memorize and study from?5. 41:56 {Proper Interpretation of a Common Passage} What are your thoughts on 1 Corinthians 6:19? I hear people use this Scripture to call anything they don’t like sin (tattoos, drugs, junk food, etc.). But it seems it’s mostly about sexual immorality.6. 52:36 {Are We Still Made in God’s Image?} Can you explain Genesis 5:1-3? Why is it different with the birth of Seth? Are we still God’s image bearers?7. 56:10 {Is “Déjà Vu” a Biblical Concept?} What are your thoughts on Deja Vu and are there any examples of it in the Bible? I've definitely had times where I had the feeling of being somewhere before when it was the first time being there.8. 1:01:02 {Are Eating Challenges Sinful?} Could you talk a little on what is and is not gluttony? Is it just eating more than you need to, or is there more involved (i.e., eating challenges)?9. 1:07:38 {When Competition turns Sinful} How do I know when my competitiveness is sinful? I coach baseball and want to ensure I'm providing the right model of competition for the players, while also still being as competitive as possible.10. 1:10:29 {“Apostasy” = “Departed”?} I've heard that the word translated "apostasy" in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 can also be translated as "departed," as in "the end will not come until the departing (rapture) comes first." Do you think this is true? 6 Different Christian Views of the End Times explained: Click Here How we got the Old Testament books: Click Here My full video on "Thinking Biblically About Tattoos": Click Here ***HERE is the Clip Search feature. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely here. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything. My website: BibleThinker.org

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