10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 1)
BibleThinker - En podkast av Mike Winger - Lørdager

"Satan's Guide to the Bible" is a popular video pretending to represent scholarship in general while only promoting selective skeptical talking points. I'll tackle that as the first question today. The rest come from you, in the comments section during the live stream. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 1. 0:18 {Satan’s Guide to The Bible?} There is a dangerous video gaining popularity, called "Satan's Guide to The Bible," that illustrates a pretend children's Sunday school class learning from Satan as their substitute teacher. He claims that pastors keep secrets from their congregants, but that he will reveal those secrets and tell them the truth. Can you please analyze this video and refute its false claims about the Bible?2. 38:34 {Was Evolution Used by God?} Genesis 1:24 sounds like God created animals through evolution (at God’s command) – “The Earth brings forth…” V. 11 also uses the same language. Interestingly, it’s not used with water, birds, animals & man. Thoughts on why this may be?3. 42:56 {Israel – Male & Female?} What is the explanation for God referring to Israel as male (Hosea 14:5-6) and as female (Jeremiah 3:6)? Is it context related, or is there another explanation?4. 45:42 {Bethlehem & The Messiah} Did people not know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem (John 7:41-43 NIV)? I feel like that would have cleared up some of their issues with Him being the Messiah!5. 47:38 {Does Deuteronomy Prohibit Witnessing to Cults?} Does Deuteronomy 12:30 prohibit current Christians from learning about other worldviews/religions/cults in order to evangelize them and utilize appropriate apologetics techniques?6. 50:14 {Why Did God Appoint Unfaithful Leaders?} Why did God choose bad kings if He knows every heart? Saul, Solomon, Jeroboam, Hazael, and Jehu all turned away, but were directly chosen by Him. Why not choose kings He knew would stay faithful?7. 55:00 {The Divine Council Theory} I heard you once say you didn't agree with Michael Heiser's views on the Divine Council. What part of it do you not agree with?8. 59:25 {Speaking in Tongues} When did “speaking in tongues” change from being real human languages that the speaker didn’t naturally know to being a non-human/Spirit language?9. 1:05:24 {Biblically, how is “Neighbor” Defined?} Is there a biblical definition for the term “neighbor”? I've always thought it was a term used to describe a non-believer who shows love to a Christian (or means them no harm).10. 1:08:28 {Interpreting the Book of Acts} How do we interpret the book of Acts? Is it a reasonable interpretation that it’s merely a transitional period and that we have to be careful how much doctrine we take from it? Resources:Two different Christian takes on the Exodus:1. Early dating - Titus Kennedy2. Late dating - Inspiring Philosophy On the dating of the book of Daniel: CLICK HERE Did Jesus say the end would happen soon? CLICK HERE Evidence for the empty tomb: CLICK HERE Tom Holland’s book “Dominion” about Christian values undergirding modern values: