Episode 261 - Merry Amazon Madness!
Being James Bond - En podkast av Joseph Darlington

COMMENTARY -- Merry Christmas from your good buddy Head of Section, and I'll throw in my two-cents about the EON/Amazon controversy, and telll you why my original dueling predictions somehow both came true, and somehow didn't! Being James Bond | http://www.beingjamesbond.com Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/Being-James-Bond-17631406474/ Twitter | http://twitter.com/headofsection Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/beingjamesbond/ iTunes | https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/being-james-bond/id205222801?mt=2 YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSmS18FT3MkHfAbVYV-DhtA