#141 - Digital Detox and Productivity with Paul Jarvis and Jason Zook
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We're jamming with our boss boyfriends, Paul Jarvis and Jason Zook! We're talking about all things digital detoxes, publishing a book, and monetizing podcasts—plus all the silly tangents you can expect when you get us all together.This episode is sponsored by Freshbooks Cloud Accounting and Incorporate.com.Get full show notes for this episode here---Follow Paul on Instagram: @pjrvsFollow Jason on Instagram: @jasondoesstuffFollow Being Boss on Instagram: @beingbossclubFollow Being Boss on Twitter: @beingbossclubFollow Being Boss on Facebook: facebook.com/beingbossclub— Listen to more Being Boss shows on our website, on Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.Follow Being Boss on Instagram: @beingbossclubJoin the Being Boss Community: beingboss.club/community