I don't want your Thorntail

airhacks.fm podcast with adam bien - En podkast av Adam Bien


An airhacks.fm conversation with Ken Finnigan (@kenfinnigan) about: Commodore 64 in 1984, Commodore 128D in 1986, creating a Star Wars game, approaching the dark star, a Gateway XT with 20 MB hard drive and 640kB RAM, playing with DBase IV, Lotus 1-2-3 and Delphi, implementing software for baseball statistics in 1989, surviving a Giants game in San Francisco, learning C++, Modula 2 and assembly programming at university, the JavaONE session marathon, learning Java in 1999, enjoying Java programming, starting at IBM Global Services Australian, introduction to the enterprise world with PL 1, Job Control Language (JCL), AIX, CICS and CTG, starting to work with Java 1.2 at an insurance company, building a quotation engine in Java, wrapping JNI layer to reuse legacy C++ code, creating the first web UIs with Java with JSPs and Servlets, PowerBuilder and Borland JBuilder, enjoying the look and feel of Visual Age for Java and JBuilder, Symantec Visual Cafe for Java, Sun Studio Java Workshop had the worst look and feel, writing backend integration logic with XSLT and XML in Dublin, Apache FOP and Apache Cocoon, XSLT transformations in browser, enjoying the marquee tag, using SeeBeyond eWay integration in London, switching to chordiant Java EE CRM solution, using XDoclet to generate EJBs, from XDoclet to annotations, wrapping, abstracting and Aspect Oriented Programming framework, it is hard to find business use cases for AOP, J2EE already ships with built-in aspects, enterprise architecture and UML, using IBM Rational Software Modeler for architectures, driving a truck with tapes as migration, the Amazon Snowmobile Truck, never underestimate the bandwidth of a truck full of hard disks, "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway", Andrew S. Tanenbaum, building stock trading platform in Sydney with J2EE, Complex Event Processing (CEP) with J2EE and JBoss, attending JBoss World in Florida and meeting Pete Muir, starting with Seam 2 to write a CRM solution for weddings, contributing to Seam 3, creating annotation-based i18n solution, joining RedHat consulting, migrating from Oracle Application Server to JBoss EAP 5, joining RedHat engineering, leading portlet bridge from JBoss Portal project, starting project LiveOak, apache sling, starting project WildFly Swarm with Bob McWhirter, WildFly Swarm vs. WildFly, WildFly Swarm and WildFly - the size perspective, WildFly Swarm supported hollow jars, hollow jar allows docker layering, WildFly Swarm was renamed to Thorntail, Thorntail 4 was a rewrite of the CDI container, Thorntail 4 codebase was used in Quarkus, Quarkus is the evolutionary leap forward, Quarkus observability and micrometer, working with OpenTelemetry, OpenTelemetry and micrometer, OpenCensus, Eclipse MicroProfile and Metrics, micrometer vs. MicroProfile metrics, GitHub issue regarding custom registry types, airhacks.fm episode with Romain Manni-Bucau #79 Back to Shared Deployments, starting with counters and gauges in MicroProfile, metrics in a Java Message Service (JMS) application, MicroProfile metrics could re-focus on business metrics, services meshes vs. MicroProfile Fault Tolerance, Istio is only able to see the external traffic, implementing business fallbacks with Istio is hard, OpenMetrics and OpenTracing are merging in OpenTelemetry, MicroProfile OpenTracing comes with a single annotation and brings the most added value, Jakarta EE improvements are incremental, Java's project leyden, the MicroProfile online workshop, Jakarta EE and MicroProfile complement each other, GraalVM and JavaScript, pooling with CDI is challenging, MicroProfile as layer on top of Jakarta EE, the smallrye first approach Ken Finnigan on twitter: @kenfinnigan, Ken's blog: kenfinnigan.me

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