Sanhedrin 7 - December 24, 23 Kislev
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Rochel Cheifetz in loving memory of her father, Shragai Cohen, שרגא פייוול בן אברהם בן ציון הלוי, whose yahrzeit was 8 Kislev,and her maternal grandparents,רב משה בן יהודה לייב, whose yahrzeit was 4 Kislev and חיה צפורה בת ר׳ יהודה משה, whose yartzeit is today, 23 Kislev. "My father's smile, HUGE love for Israel and sage wisdom are sorely missed." Today's daf is sponsored by Leah Brick for the refuah shleima to her colleague and friend Jonathan Cohen הרב יהונתן איתן הכהן בן בתשבע ברכה. Today's daf is sponsored by the Hadran Women of Long Island in honor of and as a zechut for our friend and co-learner, Tzippy Wolkenfeld, Fayga Zissel bat Shayna Yosefa, בתוך שאר חולי ישראל who is donating her kidney this morning to someone she has never met. "May both Tzippy and her recipient have an easy and speedy recovery. We salute Tzippy for her willingness to literally give a part of herself to help someone - but we aren’t surprised! May her act of chessed be a zechut for all!" The Gemara delves into the different positions regarding compromise. It explains, based on the braita, that there are four different opinions about whether or not one should use/suggest compromise be used as an alternative to judgment. What should judges be conscious of when they are ruling? What responsibility do they have? What responsibility is upon the community to appoint the proper judges. What responsibility is on the litigants to prevent perversion of justice?