Sanhedrin 55 - February 10, 12 Shvat
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Sanhedrin 55 Today's daf is sponsored by Adam Plunka in loving memory of his grandfather, Yirachmil Hersh ben Yisrael, Harry Plunka. Today's daf is sponsored by Blima Shorchein in loving memory of her father, Yitzchak Tzvi ben Blima v'Chaim Shimon. Today’s daf is sponsored by Raya, Lily, Kyra, Aliza, Lucy, and Eden, students of Abby Sosland, in loving memory of her mother, Judy Sosland z"l. "Though we did not know your mother personally, we know that her love, compassion, and wisdom made you the role model you are for us today, and for every student you’ve taught. We hope to be here for you and want to celebrate your mother’s life with all of our timbrels." The Gemara delves into more issues regarding both homosexual relations and bestiality. They asked Rav Sheshet: If a gentile has relations with an animal, is the animal killed? Does there need to be both a calamity (sin) and shame or is it enough for there just to be a calamity? Rav Sheshet brings an answer from one source and the Gemara suggests another source, but the Gemara's suggestion is rejected. That suggestion leads to another question they asked of Rav Hamnuna: If a Jew has relations with an animal unwittingly, is the animal killed as there is no calamity, but there is shame. Three sources are brought to answer that question, but all are inconclusive.