Sanhedrin 51 - February 6, 8 Shvat
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Sanhedrin 51 A braita is quoted in which a range of possibilities are suggested regarding the verse about the daughter of a kohen who gets burned for disgracing her father. After each suggestion, the braita concludes with what the verse is actually referring to. The Gemara questions most of the suggestions, trying to understand why they were even suggested. And they suggest various ways of understanding the opinion of Rabbi Eliezer which is hard to understand. Within the discussion of Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yishmael's unique opinion is raised, that a daughter of a kohen who gets burned is only if she is betrothed. From where is this derived and on what basis does Rabbi Akiva disagree?