Sanhedrin 48 - February 3, 5 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Rava and Abaye engage in a debate over the permissibility of using burial shrouds that were originally woven for a deceased person. The core of their disagreement lies in whether the mere act of designating an item for use for the dead is enough to prohibit others from using it. The Gemara analyzes the source each sage presents for his position, as well as their reasons for not accepting each other's sources. The Gemara presents eight tannaitic sources that challenge both positions equally - four questioning Rava's stance and four questioning Abaye's. While the Gemara successfully resolves the first seven difficulties, it struggles to directly address the final challenge to Abaye's position. Instead, it finds resolution by demonstrating through another tannaitic source that the Rava-Abaye debate actually mirrors an earlier disagreement between the rabbis and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel. Regarding the possessions of those executed by royal decree, a tannaitic debate exists over whether these belongings should pass to the deceased's heirs or revert to the king. While both sides cite supporting evidence from the biblical accounts of Achav and Yoav in the book of Melachim, the Gemara shows how each narrative can be interpreted to support either position.

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