Sanhedrin 40 - January 26, 26 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Sanhedrin 40 Today's daf is sponsored by Chavie Kahn and Heshy Kofman in loving memory of their father Yisrael ben Yehoshua Heschel on his first yahrzeit. Today's daf is dedicated in honor of the four tatzpitaniot that were released yesterday from captivity - Liri, Naama, Karina, and Daniela. We continue to pray for the safe release of all the other hostages.  How many essential questions (chakirot) are the witnesses asked? What other questions are asked in specific cases, like idol worship or murder? What is the difference between chakirot and bedikot? From where is the number of chakirot (7) derived? What is the root of the debate between Rabbi Yosi and the rabbis about whether there are three chakirot or two? 

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