Sanhedrin 39 - Shabbat January 25, 25 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Lindsay Simmonds in loving memory of her father Baruch ben Eliezer v’Rachel. "His infectious ‘joy of life’ was a gift to all who were blessed to know him." The emperor challenged Rabban Gamliel with several questions about God's actions and God's power as described in the Tanach, including verses that seemingly suggest the existence of multiple deities. While the emperor's daughter addressed the first question, Rabban Gamliel responded to the remaining ones. The text also describes similar debates between heretics and other rabbis. The discussion then relates to verse quotes in the Mishna about rejoicing when evil people fall. Rabbi Acha applies this concept to the celebration following King Ahab's death. However, this interpretation raises a conflict, as Rabbi Yonatan explains that God does not rejoice at the downfall of evil people, since they too are His creations. This principle is derived from multiple sources, including a verse related to the splitting of the Red Sea. The resolution offered is that while God Himself does not rejoice, God permits humans to do so. The text then examines Ovadia, who served as the supervisor of Ahab's household and was known for his devotion to God. This raises several questions: Why does the text specifically mention his devotion to God? What textual evidence demonstrates that his fear of God surpassed even that of Abraham? Furthermore, what factors led to his selection as a prophet, and why was he specifically chosen to prophesize about Edom?

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