Sanhedrin 32 - Shabbat January 18, 18 Tevet
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

In both monetary and capital cases, the judges thoroughly question the witnesses. This is derived from a Torah verse that equates monetary law with capital law. The Mishna delineates many differences between monetary and capital cases, such as how many judges, what kind of majority is needed, how much of a push is made to find the person innocent. The Gemara questions the need for thoroughly questioning the witnesses in monetary law from a Tosefta Makkot 1:4 where it seems there was no thorough questioning as the document's date did prove to be the correct date. First, the Gemara asks why the question wasn't asked from a Mishna Shvi'it 10:5. Then Rabbi Chanina, Rava and Rav Papa each suggest a different answer. The first difference listed in the Mishna is that in capital cases, they start first by looking to exonerate the defendant. How do they do this? The rabbis suggest six different answers, the first two are rejected.