Sanhedrin 2 - December 19, 18 Kislev
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Sanhedrin 2 Sanhedrin bookmark Masechet Sanhedrin is sponsored by Jina Davidovich in loving memory of her father, Vladimir Davidovich, Zev ben Yitzchak v'Chana, on his first yahrzeit. "My father always encouraged my learning and was my greatest chevruta. He instilled within me, and his many students, a deep love of Torah. May his neshama have an aliyah." Today's daf is sponsored by Norman Eliaser in honor of Shira Eliaser birthday. "Thank you for being an amazing study buddy, in addition to being the best wife in the world!" Today’s daf is sponsored by Lana Kerzner and Adina Hagege in memory of their grandmother, Ethel Wolinsky Greenstone, whose yahrzeit is this week. "Although she passed away 79 years ago, her legacy lived on through her children. They passed on to us a hunger for learning, a quest for equal rights for women and scholarship, and an analytic spirit that spans the generations. We believe that she would have taken such joy knowing that two of her granddaughters bear her name and her spirit, as they learn Daf Yomi virtually across oceans together." The court system was made up of different-sized courts. The Mishna delineates which types of cases would be brought in front of a court of three, twenty-three, and seventy-one. Some tannaim require five or seven judges for certain types of cases. The size of twenty-three and seventy-one are derived from the Torah - how? The Gemara notes that loans and admissions are excluded from the list, even though they also require three judges, like for theft and injuries. They are excluded because they do not require three expert judges, but can be ruled by any three people. The reason for this is to ensure that people are not deterred from loaning money to others.