Sanhedrin 15 - 2nd Day of Rosh Chodesh Tevet - January 1, 1 Tevet
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Sanhedrin 15 Today's daf is sponsored by Duli and Nehemia Sasson in loving memory of their father, Solomon ben Leah. The Gemara gives three different explanations for the case in the Mishna ‘valuations of moveable items’. Why does Rabbi Yehuda require one kohen? Why in land valuations does it need to be nine Israelites and one kohen? What is the case of a person that requires ten to evaluate as one cannot consecrate a human being? What is the status of a person's hair ready to be cut - is it like moveable items or is it considered part of the person's body and therefore needs ten people or is it considered detached and therefore like movable items that require three? What cases are included in the nirba and rovea? An ox who gores a person - from where do we derive this halacha of twenty-three? Abaye questions Rava about his derivation and Rava brings three potential answers (two are rejected). Wild animals are judged by twenty-three, but Rabbi Eliezer holds that anyone can take the law into their own hands and kill the animal. Reish Lakish and Rabbi Yochanan disagree about whether or not Rabbi Eliezer is only referring to a case where the animal already killed a person.