Sanhedrin 12 - December 29, 28 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Mona Fishbane in loving memory of her beloved mother-in-law and best buddy Bernice Fishbane z”l.  The decision to intercalate the year must take place after Rosh Hashanah, and the only way to do so is by adding an additional month of Adar. The year cannot be intercalated during a famine or in the Sabbatical year, as this would delay permitting the new crop to be eaten, compounding difficulties during already challenging times. There is a debate regarding the year following the Sabbatical year. This debate hinges on another discussion about whether or not one can import produce from abroad. It is prohibited to intercalate three years in a row or to decide in one year to intercalate the following year. Rabbi Yehuda and the rabbis disagree about whether the impurity of the community regarding the Passover sacrifice can be a factor in adding a leap year. A story from the time of Chizkiyahu is cited to shed light on this topic. However, there are several interpretations of the story’s details and its relevance to this issue. Shmuel maintained that one cannot intercalate the year on the thirtieth day of Adar, as that day could potentially be the first day of Nissan.

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