Bava Metzia 92 - May 30, 22 Iyar
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by the Hadran Women of Long Island in honor of the birth of a granddaughter to our friend and co-learner Tzippy Wolkenfeld, born to her children Hannah and Jacob Finkel. "May the new princess grow l'Torah, l'chuupa ul'maasim tovim and may the joy of her arrival be a harbinger of smachot for all." Is a worker limited to being able to eat only up to the value of the worker's wages? Tana kama and the rabbis permit this, but Rabbi Elazar Chasama does not. The Gemara offers three possible suggestions to explain the disagreement between tana kama and the rabbis. Is the food that one is allowed to eat while working viewed as an addition to a worker's wages - meaning it belongs to the worker and can be transferred to others, as in a salary - or a separate right granted by the Torah (a gift from God) which would be permitted only to the worker and cannot be passed on to others? Nine sources are quoted, each in an attempt to get to an answer to this question, but all are inconclusive.