Bava Metzia 109 - June 16, 10 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

This week’s learning is sponsored by Bob & Paula Cohen in loving memory of Helen Cohen, Henna bat Yitzchak Nechemia whose yahrzeit is on Friday. This week's learning is sponsored by Sara Averick & Jose Rosenfeld in loving memory of Sara’s mother, Leah bat Rav Yehuda Leib Chaikel v’Chaya Masha. "She made sure her children got an excellent Jewish education." Today's daf is dedicated in memory of the eight soldiers who were killed yesterday in Gaza, and in memory of Yair Roitman who was injured a few days ago and died yesterday.  A sharecropper who pays a set amount (chokher) cannot plant something that will weaken the land or will not regrow for seven years, such as flax or cut a sycamore tree, unless they will be cultivating the land for seven years. Abaye and Rava disagree on whether the enhancement to the sycamore tree goes to the sharecropper. Rav Papa worked as a sharecropper for growing hay, but a palm tree grew instead. He wanted to get money for the enhancement of the tree when he left the field, as the tree prevented him from planting hay, but Rav Sheisha entered into a debate with him and eventually ruled that he could only get the value of the tree if he had cut it for its wood. Another similar case is brought but since the tree grew on the border, where they wouldn't have planted anything, the sharecropper did not receive money for the enhancement of the tree. Rav Yosef had a planter working in his field who died and left five sons-in-law who all wanted to replace him. However, Rav Yosef threatened them to leave his land as he did not want five people working the land, as each would think another person would do the work and no one would take full responsibility. If a planter says, "If I cause a loss to the owner, I will leave without taking the enhancements," does the planter forfeit any enhancements there were, or is this a case of asmachta? A case is brought of a planter who left in the middle of a job to move to Israel. Rav Papa bar Shmuel and Rava disagreed about whether he could receive the full enhancements to the field that he would have received or whether he had to compensate the owner for his loss, as now the owner will need to find a sharecropper to finish the job. Rav Ashi understood the ruling in one way, but Rav Acha questioned his understanding.

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