Bava Metzia 101 - Shabbat June 8, 2 Sivan
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

If a river uprooted a tree and placed it in someone else's field, can the owner take it back? What if someone planted a tree on someone's property without the owner's knowledge? Does the one who planted receive payment for their work and how much? Would the law be the same for a house one built in someone else's ruin without the property owner's knowledge? How much advance notice is required for a landlord to a renter before kicking out the renter from the landlord's property? The answer depends on the time of year (affected by supply and demand), whether it was in a city or village, whether it was a store or a residence, and what type of store it was. What cases are exceptions to the rule in which no notice is required?