Bava Batra 87 - September 20, 17 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Another source is brought to raise a difficulty with Rav and Shmuel's ruling about acquiring items partway through the measuring if the wording of the sale was "separated it into parts. But this difficulty is resolved. The Mishna discusses three different halachot. At what point of measuring is neither side allowed to change their mind? If an agent sells someone else's produce to the buyer, is the agent responsible if the vessel breaks and the merchandise is lost? What is the status of drops left in the jug after the liquid is measured out and poured into the buyer's utensils? Details of these cases are discussed in the Gemara.   The Mishna brings a scenario where a father sends a son to the store to buy oil and the utensil breaks, the oil is lost, as is the change that the son received for buying the oil. There is a debate about who is responsible. The Gemara brings several explanations to understand what exactly is the case in the Mishna and the source of the debate.

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