Bava Batra 84 - September 17, 14 Elul
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by the Billets and Cohns for the refuah shleima for Dr. David Harari, David Yonatan Ben Reizel. Rav Chisda explains that if there was a sale with ona'ah (over or undercharging) in which case the sale can be canceled, and then the price changed after the sale benefitting the one who over/undercharged, they cannot renege as the ability to cancel the agreement is only on the one who was cheated. Rav Chisda supported his statement from the Mishna. Why was his statement necessary if it could have been easily derived from the Mishna? The Mishna described a sale where one ordered darker/reddish wheat and received white wheat or the reverse. The term used for the reddish wheat is shechamtit, from the root chama, sun. This word leads Rav Pappa to explain that the sun is red, as can be seen at sunrise and sunset, and only appears white during the day because of our limited vision. A difficulty is raised against Rav Pappa's assertion but is rejected. There is a debate between Rebbi and the Rabbis in laws of teruma about whether wine and vinegar are considered two different types or the same type of item. If they are considered the same type, if one separates teruma from vinegar to wine, it is effective (even though it is prohibited) but not if they are considered two types. Our Mishna implies that wine and vinegar are two separate types of items for laws of sales - if one bought wine but received vinegar, either side can renege as they are two totally different items. Does this mean that our Mishna does not hold the opinion of the rabbis in teruma that they are the same type? How does one acquire fruits? The Mishna discusses which methods are/are not effective. Rabbi Asi and Rabbi Zeira disagree about Rabbi Yochanan's position regarding one who measured and put the items in a side area off the main thoroughfare. Does the buyer acquire it if it is placed there or is it effective only if it is placed in the vessels of the buyer? A braita and our Mishna are brought to try to resolve this issue (did Rabbi Zeira accept Rabbi Asi's interpretation of Rabbi Yochanan's position) but both sources are rejected as inconclusive regarding this issue.