Bava Batra 82 - September 15, 12 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

This week's learning is sponsored by Medinah Korn in loving memory of her mother, Rosalie Katchen, Shoshana Raizl bat Avraham Yehoshua ve-Baila Toibe, z"l, on her 24th yahrzeit. "She had a "נותן בעין יפה" approach to her interactions with everyone she encountered. She was generous of heart, of mind and of spirit, and we miss her. Yehi zichra baruch." Today's daf is sponsored by David and Mitzi Geffen in loving memory of David's mother, Ethel Petegorsky Geffen, Adina bat Aryeh Leib, on her 20th yahrzeit. "She was devoted to her husband, family, and the Beth El Synagogue community in New Rochelle, NY. Her two sons made Aliyah and her daughter has lived a professional life of service to the American Jewish community." Today's daf is sponsored by Ayala Ginat in loving memory of Barak ben Lipa and Shulamit.  How does one determine if the branches grew out of the trunk or the ground to determine whether the growths belong to the owner of the tree or the owner of the land? Rav Nachman rules that a palm tree does not have laws of geza, the trunk. Rav Zevid and Rav Papa each understand this statement differently. If one purchases three trees, one acquires land with the trees. How much land does one acquire? Rabbi Yochanan rules that they acquire the land beneath each tree, between each tree, and, in addition, the amount of space needed for a fig gatherer to walk around with a basket. Rabbi Elazar raises a question about the space for the fig gatherer - if one does not get an access route, as per the rabbis' position that a seller sells sparingly (ayin ra'ah), how does the buyer get space for collecting? The land underneath and in between the trees can be used by the tree's owner for planting, but who has the right to plant in the area around the trees for the fig gatherer and basket? How much space can/should there be between the trees to consider them a field so that the purchaser will acquire the land? Rav Yosef and Rava disagree. Abaye raises a difficulty from a Mishna against Rav Yosef's position.

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