Bava Batra 78 - September 11, 8 Elul
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Bava Batra 78 When one sells a donkey, does it include the equipment of the donkey, and if so, which equipment? The debate regarding this matter depends on whether the main purpose of buying a donkey was for riding or for carrying. According to Rabbi Yehuda, it depends on the language used during the sale. Are offspring included in the sale of one who specified they are buying a nursing cow or donkey? After extrapolating the use by the Mishna of the term "siyach" for a foal to teach that a foal obeys pleasant directives, while an older donkey does not, the Gemara quotes drashot on verses in Bamidbar 21:27-30 where a similar word is used. The content of the drashot relates to the rewards for the righteous and the destruction of the wicked.