Bava Batra 77 - September 10, 7 Elul
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Ameimar rules on how one can transfer a promissory note to another. There are two different versions of the text - each reaching the opposite conclusion. Although Amerimar explains that his ruling was learned by tradition, Rav Ashi explains the logic behind the ruling. The Gemara raises a difficulty with Rav Ashi's logical argument but then resolves the difficulty. The Mishna continues with other purchases related to wagons and animals and rules on what items are included/not included in the sale. Rabbi Yehuda and the rabbis disagree about whether the amount of money spent on the item can be a determining factor about what is included/not included in a purchase. The Gemara limits their debate to a more specific case.