Bava Batra 72 - September 5, 2 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Bava Batra 72 Today's daf is sponsored by the Hadran Zoom family. "In these turbulent days, where we lean on our routine of the daily Daf learning for comfort, we are thrilled with the piercing double joy of two of fellow Dafferette's smachot. To Julie Mendelssohn and her family, mazal Tov and joy on the marriage of her son Rafi to his bride, Adi. And to Miriam Tannenbaum and her family, on the marriage of her son Avrumy to his bride, Rochel. With a tefilla that this sasson v'simcha will herald in many more wonderful times. With lots of love from the Hadran Zoom family." After reconciling Rav Huna's ruling (about one who sells a field but keeps two trees) with Rabbi Shimon's position by explaining that Rav Huna aligns with the rabbis and Rabbi Shimon with Rabbi Akiva, the Gemara raises a difficulty from braita. From the braita, which can only be explained according to Rabbi Shimon, it is clear that Rabbi Shimon does not hold that one sells generously, like Rabbi Akiva. Therefore the Gemara explains Rabbi Shimon's position in our Mishna differently - as a response to the rabbis according to their position and is not reflecting Rabbi Shimon's position. However, an additional issue is raised: the last line in the braita doesn't seem to match Rabbi Shimon's position, which undermines the conclusion of the previous section. This issue is resolved and the braita can be explained according to Rabbi Shimon.

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