Bava Batra 68 - September 1, 28 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Rikki and Alan Zibitt in loving memory of Rikki's father, Mickey Carlin, Shevach ben Avraham z"l on his 20th yahrzeit. "We miss his energy, his vibrant smile, and his fierce love of his children and grandchildren. May his neshama have an aliya." Today's daf is dedicated to all the teachers and students returning to school! Does the sale of an olive press include stores that sell other items and are also used for drying out sesame seeds before making sesame oil? On what does it depend? What is included in the sale of a privately owned city? Are Caananite slaves considered like land or movable property? Can we derive an answer to that question from the Mishna? Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel included a santer in the sale of a city. There are two possible definitions for a santer - either a registrar who keeps track of the boundaries of the properties or fields outside the city. The Gemara attempts to resolve which definition is right from the case of beit hashlachin mentioned in the Mishna. However, this suggestion is rejected as there are two different ways to interpret the term beit hashlachin. Another source is brought to determine the correct definition for santer, but that attempt is also rejected. Which types of enclosures for animals are included in the sale of a city and which are not? What does the sale of a field include/not include?

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